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       #Post#: 405--------------------------------------------------
       New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: kikokoko95 Date: August 27, 2012, 2:28 pm
       Some users suggested to make a different UI for Bl4ck0ut. A
       unique theme without winterboard, a personal UI. In my opinion
       itīs a great idea, but Iīm not good at photoshop or making
       themer  :-[ so we need help.
       If you can help us, please, write here with what you can do, and
       if you have done something or have any idea for a UI, post it
       Of course you will be included in acknouledgements if your UI is
       the best  :)
       #Post#: 407--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: HunterRobinson Date: August 27, 2012, 4:47 pm
       like ios 5/6 or what do u mean?
       #Post#: 413--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 28, 2012, 5:14 am
       Like exchange all the artwork files and all the Springboard
       images. I was starting it, but I got grounded and got my
       computer taken away. I will continue once I get it back. I was
       doing a textury baby blue styled design.
       #Post#: 417--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: Aaron Date: August 28, 2012, 5:45 am
       HAHAHAHA sorry to laugh at that but that is funny: D iv never
       lost my computer just the internet. that is the worst!
       ill have a go at making my own ui but im only gonna change the
       pics for the apps and some things inside is that enough? (i know
       it wont be good but ill see how it goes.
       the only problem is that i cant save the stuff into a cfw and
       pack it again. it says unabe to apply changes.  (using 7sip)
       can someone make a video on youtube and post a link so i can do
       it? any program i dont care.
       #Post#: 418--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 28, 2012, 6:14 am
       I dunno that either. I am just gonna replace the images from
       Springboard.app and some of the .artwork files. I hate being
       grounded. The worst part is that I dunno what I did. My mom took
       away my computer during the night when I was sleeping D:
       #Post#: 444--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 30, 2012, 7:20 am
       OK I got my computer back. Now we need to decide what we want
       for our look. Here is what I was thinking
 (HTM) http://mattgemmell.com/2012/01/29/subtle-ui-texture-in-photoshop/
       I would use that effect with blue. Also look at
 (HTM) http://subtlepatterns.com/
       for some pattern ideas we can use for
       the entire UI.
       #Post#: 449--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 30, 2012, 4:50 pm
       Actually instead of blue, I have decided to make the theme
       black/gray because the name is Bl4ck0ut. I have completed the
       battery icons as of now. I will finish the non-artwork files and
       then continue from there :D
       #Post#: 458--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: kikokoko95 Date: August 31, 2012, 5:42 am
       wow  :o you are so fast. I havenīt started hahaha. But i agree
       with you. I was thinking in black and blue colors (ok, i was
       thinking in android honeycomb hahaha) so, when i finish studing
       i will try to make some files and test it :)
       #Post#: 461--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: Super_Hussain Date: August 31, 2012, 6:05 am
       I got the Springboard.app done LOL
       I will start with some of the artwork files later today.
       Everything I have in the Springboard.app is like a glossy
       silver/gray. It looks kinda nice. Should I add a picture for the
       battery? Also the Apple logo, I changed it to this which I made
       really quickly haha!!
       #Post#: 463--------------------------------------------------
       Re: New UI for Bl4ck0ut
       By: BlackR41n Date: August 31, 2012, 6:36 am
       I like the Battery & the Bl4ck0ut icon !! :)
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