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       #Post#: 822--------------------------------------------------
       Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: anujgadiyar Date: September 18, 2012, 7:00 pm
       Hello Beta Testers  :)
       Please Do Submit the Bug Reports in this Thread. Do Mention the
       Device too  :)
       #Post#: 823--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: anujgadiyar Date: September 18, 2012, 7:09 pm
       To begin with the Initial Observations...
       iPhone 3G Unlocked
       As Super_Hussain said, it's FREAKIN AWESOME; AMAZING SPEED; More
       Smoother Interactions
       1. Still cannot Save the Video in Video.app
       2. Game Center still Crashes
       #Post#: 824--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: 3gman Date: September 18, 2012, 7:25 pm
       My download is currently at 45.5 MB of 326 MB its downloading at
       #Post#: 825--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: Dante9744 Date: September 18, 2012, 7:43 pm
       I have an iPod touch 2g.
       -I saw that game center is fixed and maybe a few other things.
       -Actually seems to lag more compared a regular firmware
       jailbroken with everything enabled. (homescreen wallpaper,
       multitasking, etc.)
       -Just overall doesn't seem to run that well on the ipod even
       when I do multiple things to speed it up, but with work I'm sure
       it would be great!
       #Post#: 826--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: 3gman Date: September 18, 2012, 8:50 pm
       My download is so slow it keeps saying unknown network error so
       i keep having to restart
       #Post#: 830--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: Super_Hussain Date: September 19, 2012, 6:23 am
       [quote author=anujgadiyar link=topic=60.msg823#msg823
       To begin with the Initial Observations...
       iPhone 3G Unlocked
       As Super_Hussain said, it's FREAKIN AWESOME; AMAZING SPEED; More
       Smoother Interactions
       1. Still cannot Save the Video in Video.app
       2. Game Center still Crashes
       Well I don't use that video.app. I use an app store app that I
       forgot the name of. Also make sure the permissions are correct
       for the Gamecenter...
       I don't find any bugs and for me its crazy fast!! I could
       mistake this for an iPhone 4 (just until I open Safari)....
       #Post#: 833--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: BlackR41n Date: September 19, 2012, 7:38 am
       I found no bugs, it's pretty fast and GC isn't fixed, cause you
       only can fix it manually ;)
       #Post#: 835--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: Dante9744 Date: September 19, 2012, 2:26 pm
       Game center was already working when I restore my ipod touch to
       the custom firmware.
       #Post#: 836--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: Super_Hussain Date: September 19, 2012, 3:02 pm
       LOL iPod has Gamecenter by default... iPhone 3G does not.
       #Post#: 839--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Bug Reports-Beta Testers
       By: e1sunz Date: September 19, 2012, 3:41 pm
       [quote author=Super_Hussain link=topic=60.msg830#msg830
       Well I don't use that video.app. I use an app store app that I
       forgot the name of. Also make sure the permissions are correct
       for the Gamecenter...
       I don't find any bugs and for me its crazy fast!! I could
       mistake this for an iPhone 4 (just until I open Safari)....
       Im sure Aloot of people use video camera so this is an issue
       anyways the app market app for video recording is called 'Qik' i
       think there may be another one not sure but this app rocks nice
       effects, smooth frame rate etc :P
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