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       #Post#: 1068--------------------------------------------------
       This is what we need
       By: kikokoko95 Date: September 29, 2012, 10:59 am
       In this topic we will post everything we need for the project.
       If you see something that you can do, tell us :) every help is
       [center]-Bl4ck0ut Project app
       -Notifications Cengter (not like iOS6īs NC but something useful)
       -MANY MORE USERS. If you can talk about Bl4ck0ut anywhere,
       please do this
       -Graphic designers
       This topic will be up to date, but post everything you can/want
       to do
       #Post#: 1070--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: 3gman Date: September 29, 2012, 12:33 pm
       I need my iphone 3g back it is stolen
       #Post#: 1071--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: Super_Hussain Date: September 29, 2012, 2:16 pm
       You know how I have the SkyBuy tag as my signature right? I
       could make one for Bl4ck0ut and everyone can use that on other
       forums. Over the past week, i have been showing my friend
       Bl4ck0ut and he got it and LOVES it. He like thanks me for
       reviving his iPhone everyday. I could ask him to join the forums
       and try to get other people here as well.
       Ok, about the list...
       1) I have read a book on Objective-C but I haven't done any
       developing yet. In time I could definitely help out with the
       app. If you need a forum web app, I might be able to help with
       that but we would have to move the forums to a different site
       like MyBB.
       2) I haven't done any developing yet so I can't help out with
       this at this point in time.
       3) As I said before, I could make a tag we could use on other
       4) Ideas... We are doing this as a community and everyone helps
       out with this. Making the ideas into reality is the difficult
       5) I could do some designing. I have done a lot in the past
       year. I have done tags, sigs, avatars, website designs, photo
       edits, and much more. I could really help on this when I get the
       time to do it. Still slowly working on the UI. I might need some
       help on it at the pace I am doing it. That isn't a really big
       priority considering all the other stuff I am doing. If anyone
       could formerly help on this I would really appreciate it.
       #Post#: 1079--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: Duck4Cover Date: September 29, 2012, 4:53 pm
       Hi guys.
       I think we need to firstly start saving our apps we currently
       have and crack them. A lot of apps are now out of the reach of
       iPhone 3G on IOS4 on the official app store. This is something
       everyone can start doing to help. We then need to come up with a
       suitable individual upload site for these apps so as to create a
       IOS4 App store.
       A tag for us to put on the bottom of our e-mails and such is a
       great idea.  Spreading the word on other forums as I know a
       number of us are associated with other similar iPhone forums. ;)
       #Post#: 1080--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: Super_Hussain Date: September 29, 2012, 7:44 pm
       Awesome. I will try to design something for us to use to
       advertise. I like the App Store idea and I saw someone on
       Whited00r who made something perfect for us. I am going to ask
       him if we could use it :D
       #Post#: 1081--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: Super_Hussain Date: September 30, 2012, 12:34 am
       Hey... Guess what? I talked with Justincosh and he gave me
       everything we need for our own store with instructions!! I will
       set that up right now and hopefully we will have an AppStore
       running :D
       For now I will call it Bl4ck0ut St0re and I am about to get a
       domain name which will be
 (HTM) http://bl4ck0ut-st0re.tk/
       #Post#: 1082--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: Super_Hussain Date: September 30, 2012, 2:40 am
       to design an icon for it and do a few more things but for now it
       is up and running. All you have to do is go on the site
 (HTM) http://bl4ck0ut-st0re.tk/
       and then just add to homescreen and
       you should have it running!! The only thing is it might be a bit
       slow... Anyway, it should be good so I guess you guys can start
       uploading some ipa's by going to the site on you computer and
       going to IPA Upload and just fill out that form thing and
       everyone should be able to upload apps and download them. Hope
       you guys like it, good night peoples!!
       #Post#: 1083--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: BlackR41n Date: September 30, 2012, 3:09 am
       wow! I love this store!
       but how can i crack apps ?
       #Post#: 1084--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: victor00100 Date: September 30, 2012, 6:57 am
       there is a tweak on the hackulo repo (same one from installous )
       that is made to crack apps :p
       #Post#: 1087--------------------------------------------------
       Re: This is what we need
       By: Super_Hussain Date: September 30, 2012, 9:17 am
       Oh it's really easy. There is this package called Crackulous and
       that is what allows you to crack apps. I have a bunch of ipa's
       lying around in one of my dropbox accounts so I will upload them
       when I get the chance. Also all the credit goes to justincosh
       from Whited00r who helped me out a tonne getting me everything.
       The really only thing I did is set it up xD
       For the credits of it I would really like justincosh to be in it
       cause he worked really hard on this and to be honest I don't
       know if I can even thank him enough. He is a really cool guy :D
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