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       #Post#: 1152--------------------------------------------------
       forum design???
       By: Aaron Date: October 3, 2012, 5:05 pm
       what do you want this forum to look like. give suggestions on
       the next colors/shades, things that should be added to make it a
       better place. Anything and everything even the littlest of
       things can help make it a better place!
       your input into this forum will make it like no other forum on
       earth. one that wasn't chose by one person to suet their needs
       but a forum that is made to fit everyone's needs.
       So what are you waiting for? voice your own opinions.
       #Post#: 1154--------------------------------------------------
       Re: forum design???
       By: Super_Hussain Date: October 3, 2012, 10:03 pm
       LOL Thanks a lot Aaron. I definitely needed this thread. So what
       do you guys want? I really don't feel comfortable working with
       createaforum, something I haven't used before, but I can easily
       manage. A quick google search can get you the answer for
       anything nowadays.