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       Blueberry Prison Roleplay
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       Blueberry Prison Roleplay
 (DIR) Information and Announcements
       Total Posts: 9
 (DIR) Server Updates
       Total Posts: 7
 (DIR) Guides and Tutorials
       Total Posts: 31
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 (DIR) Ban Appeals
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 (DIR) Player Reports
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       Total Posts: 1170
 (DIR) Bug Reports
       Total Posts: 7
 (DIR) Closed/Resolved
       Total Posts: 185
 (DIR) Game Suggestions
       Total Posts: 103
 (DIR) Accepted Suggestions
       Total Posts: 486
 (DIR) Closed Suggestions
       Total Posts: 744
 (DIR) Admin Requests
       Total Posts: 2
 (DIR) Resolved/Closed
       Total Posts: 350
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 (DIR) Prison Life
       Total Posts: 5
 (DIR) Prison Life Archive
       Total Posts: 219
 (DIR) Character Stories
       Total Posts: 109
 (DIR) Character Stories Archive
       Total Posts: 440
 (DIR) Gangs and Prison Factions
       Total Posts: 186
 (DIR) Archive
       Total Posts: 1757
       The Department of Corrections
 (DIR) United States Marshalls
       Total Posts: 0
 (DIR) Reports
       Total Posts: 0
 (DIR) Blueberry Prison Correctional Officers
       Total Posts: 2
 (DIR) Recruitment Office
       Total Posts: 3
 (DIR) Denied
       Total Posts: 283
 (DIR) Accepted
       Total Posts: 252
 (DIR) Blueberry Prison Medical Unit
       Total Posts: 2
 (DIR) Recruitment Office
       Total Posts: 17
 (DIR) Accepted
       Total Posts: 27
 (DIR) Denied
       Total Posts: 0
 (DIR) Medical Database
       Total Posts: 3
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 (DIR) General Discussion
       Total Posts: 18
 (DIR) General Discussion Archive
       Total Posts: 1549
 (DIR) Media Showroom
       Total Posts: 28
 (DIR) Showroom Archive
       Total Posts: 288
 (DIR) Mods Section
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 (DIR) Mods Archive
       Total Posts: 234
 (DIR) Off-Topic Discussion
       Total Posts: 11
 (DIR) Archive
       Total Posts: 3