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       #Post#: 8422--------------------------------------------------
       Re-discovering DF.
       By: Deathlord45 Date: December 7, 2014, 7:45 am
       1. I almost put this thread in the GD here but then remembered
       this place existed. Let's bring some life to our boards.
       Anyways. It was brought up at the December 6th meeting about
       playing through DF again with a new character together with the
       rest of the clan. Lot's of people liked this idea. This is
       eventually to possibly be brought to the AEF DFGD. As we will be
       talking about each quest-chain as we do them.
       2. Writing/making a character back story is optional. If you
       want to do this then go ahead, we won't stop you. Though if you
       are going to be writing, I was thinking of making is pseudo
       collab between all those doing a character back story.
       By pseudo collab, I'm mean a we using the DF story interweave a
       story about a small group of heroes who travel and adventure
       together(since we'll all be doing the same questlines each
       3. Thoughts, ideas and suggestions on this idea? Do we want
       while not a set of rules persay but guidelines to follow while
       doing this? etc. Look forward to your feedback to this.
       #Post#: 8849--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: Kalanna Dae Date: April 21, 2015, 10:00 pm
       So, as promised, I’m reviving this. The hope is to eventually
       expand this out to both the AEF other AE games.
       Part 1:
       Create a new DF character and start from the beginning. I would
       break the storyline down into chunks that could be played
       We can set aside time to do this as a group, or set up threads
       for discussion. Or both, depending on what you guys want.
       Part 2:
       Work with those who have fallen behind on DF to play catch up.
       We can set up buddy systems , threads for help with particularly
       tricky quests, or set aside time to work together as a group to
       catch up.
       I guess the whole thing with this is what YOU guys want this to
       So what I’m looking for feedback on is:
       1. What are realistic chunks to break the DF storyline into? By
       number of quests? By quest chain? By chapter?
       2. How do we want Part 1 to be formatted? Do we set up times?
       Threads? Both?
       3. Who needs/wants to catch up on DF? How far behind are you?
       4. For those catching up, what would be your preferred method of
       catching up? Buddy systems or one of the other outlined options?
       Feel free to submit your own suggestions as well.
       5. Who is caught up and willing to help others catch up?
       #Post#: 8852--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: Starflame Date: April 21, 2015, 10:28 pm
       So basically to answer your questions in order:
       1, I think by number of quests. Because some quests chains (Fire
       Orb) take forever while some are much shorter. Maybe have 3-5
       quests every 2 weeks?
       2, Probably both. Set up a thread where everyone knows what
       quests you need to have covered by a set amount of time in order
       to keep up, and then let people decide for themselves if they
       prefer playing side-by-side with someone else, or playing solo
       and just discussing it in the thread. In this case, I'd say have
       one thread for planning the quests/times, and a second for
       3, I think I'm actually caught up on my main, minus maybe one of
       the newest Amytivale
       4, Probably depends on personal preference, but having threads
       will help. Lots of thread! All the threads!
       5, I'd love to help! Might take me a bit to remember some stuff.
       I think this project has a lot of potential, but it's going to
       need more than three or four people to work, so if you have the
       time, join for the first few so we can see how it all works!
       #Post#: 8856--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: guest94 Date: April 22, 2015, 8:41 am
       1. I think by quests, OR by items to farm for. Because if people
       behind are trying to get good equipment, then they might have to
       replay quests to get the items they want. This is especially
       true for the newer quests, because more people will be behind on
       them. We might even want to create our own guide of what equip
       is good for your type and level, so people know what to go for.
       The AE one is a bit cumbersome.
       2. I think threads would be better, so people can play at their
       own pace or start whenever they want. Then those who want to
       play side-by-side with someone can find a buddy and set up their
       own times.
       3. I need to catch up! I think I've done all of books 1 and 2,
       but I wouldn't mind going over them again with my low-level
       secondaries to get them some good equipment. I'm several months
       behind on book 3 though.
       4. I think I like the buddy system. It can help me get closer to
       a member that I may not know as well. But having threads for
       help on difficult quests would be good too, especially if my
       usual buddy isnt' around. We can have our own DF questions
       subforum, or just use AEF.
       5. Not me! xP
       #Post#: 8861--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: Azan Date: April 22, 2015, 5:18 pm
       1. Like Star said, it depends on the quests. Some chunks could
       be like "From beginning to the Hydra" and "Dragon egg storyline
       - from Surewood to Vultragon". If needed, I could help setting
       up a list of quests/events to go through! :D
       2. I thought it might be a good idea to have something on the
       AEF. It'd be great to make people from outside the BoH to
       participate in this great initiative! We could even try to
       spread the word, inform the team. I don't know much about IRC,
       but it could also be fun to have a IRC channel that everyone
       could join to discuss DragonFable / ask for or give advice!
       3. I'm completely caught up, except for the Neverglades, PvP,
       Potion training and Mogloween masks.
       4. Chat and threads would be good ideas to catch up and
       socialize doing it!
       5. I am, and I'd be delighted to help others catch up!
       #Post#: 8867--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: Kalanna Dae Date: April 23, 2015, 5:54 pm
       So looking at the stuff you guys have posted/expressed in the
       clan meeting, here's a more formal proposal:
       The Rediscover Initiative: Dragonfable
       a)To assist old players returning to Dragonfable in catching up
       to the current storyline
       b)To reacquaint longtime players with Dragonfable by creating
       new characters and playing through the game together as a
       Proposed Threads:
       Rediscover Initiative - Catch Up: Help Thread
       Description: Stuck on a quest? We’re here to help! Post your
       question and someone will get back to you soon!
       Rediscover Initiative - Catch Up: Buddy System Sign Up
       Description: Want a veteran player to help you catch up! Check
       here to find players to chat and play with!
       Rediscover Initiative - Catch Up: IRC Open Floor Times
       Description: Check here for times when veteran players will be
       in the designated IRC chat room to answer questions, help you
       play, or just chat with!
       Rediscover Initiative - Play Through: Discussion
       Description: Finish this week’s quest assignments? Come on in!
       Rediscover Initiative - Play Through: Quest Assignments
       Description: Check here for this week quests assignments or, if
       you’ve missed a week, find old assignments from past weeks.
       Rediscover Initiative - Play Through: Find a Partner
       Looking for someone to play this week’s assignment with? Check
       here for others who are looking for the same. Remember IRC is a
       great chat client!
       So, new IRC rooms will have to be made obviously. But another
       question is when do we want to start expanding to AEF and the
       other AE games? (Assuming people want to.)
       #Post#: 8868--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: guest70 Date: April 23, 2015, 6:26 pm
       The proposed threads and IRC channel for this sounds good to me.
       For expanding to other AE games, I don't mind it being sometime
       in the next few weeks if possible. I could do a bit with AQ
       since I first played the game in 2006.
       #Post#: 8873--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: Azan Date: April 23, 2015, 9:45 pm
       The IRC room and threads look nice to me. As for expanding to
       other AE games, why don't we wait and see how the Rediscover
       prototype works for DF before expanding to others? It'd be good
       to have something in AEF as soon as possible though, to
       concretize it and bring new people!
       #Post#: 8879--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: Miran Tideturner Date: April 25, 2015, 7:44 am
       That sounds pretty amazing so far.  :) Thank you very much for
       the thoughtful work you've put into the initiative, Kalanna!
       1. I agree, some quest chains are just too long to do in its
       entirety. Although I had a ton of fun pulling a Fire War
       all-nighter with a friend and getting really immersed in the
       events, I think that's something that can only happen between
       buddies on their own time, not on a planned schedule. So between
       3 to half a dozen quests per Rediscover Day would be fine.
       2. Both. Both is good. Planned times and chats makes for best
       teamwork, fast advice and a bit of banter. Threads are important
       for catching up, feedback, and drawing other people in for the
       next parts (especially on the AEF).
       3. I have a Lv 80 with almost everything done, 4 other
       characters between Level 13 and Level 70 the latter of which has
       finished Book 1, and an unused slot.
       4. [ElDorado.jpg] Again, both is good. Threads are good for
       general advice that can easily get "lost" in chat, but buddying
       up is often more fun. Even when it's just for farming, where
       "suffering shared" can keep people from getting annoyed *thinks
       back to the Doomie Upgrade races in the war* and when catching
       up on plot it's always good to share thoughts in real-time.
       Adding them to a thread can feel a bit like "yesterday's news".
       Nevertheless, the threads have to be a viable alternative for
       everyone who can't or doesn't want to play alongside others.
       (Timezones can be vexing, and all that.)
       5. I must admit "been there, done that, seen it all - can't
       remember most of it" holds true in the case of me and my main.
       Yes, I've done all the things, but I did a lot of them 5+ years
       ago where things were in different places, looked different, and
       9.0 wasn't a thing, to say nothing about 11.0 or 14.0. So while
       I'll be happy to (re-)play DF, please don't look to me for
       quest/equip advice. I'd love to provide it reliably, but most of
       the time I have to look up stuff just as much as anyone playing
       for the first time.
       That's actually the biggest personal "eek" I have with this
       going "big" a.k.a. including AEF right off the bat. It's
       wonderful, it's necessary, it can do both the clan and AE good -
       but we're actually representing the BoH out there, and I'll have
       to do so in a capacity I'm not fully comfortable with. Ah well.
       I might not be able to give people directions to their goal, but
       by Khazri, I can make them WANT to get there! (And this, my
       lovelies, is why I am Light Pillar, and not Mastery or Balance.)
       The proposed threads look fine. Works for me!  :)
       #Post#: 8882--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Re-discovering DF.
       By: Kalanna Dae Date: April 25, 2015, 2:18 pm
       *patpats Miran*
       To give an update, I have sent a PM to Mel to get feelers out
       for bringing this to AEF. I'm wanting to wait and see how the
       AKs feel about it before going and opening the whole can of
       worms to the DF GD. If it gets approval (which I doubt it will
       right out of the gate), I'll probably make a thread similar to
       this one to gauge interest and get feedback as opposed to
       starting right away
       In the meantime, I'd figure we'd work on getting this started in
       the clan. My questions are currently, how do we want to break DF
       down into weekly assignments? Do we want to just strictly go
       through storyline (i.e. Dragon Egg, Orb Saga) or do we want to
       include side quests as well (i.e. Oaklore quests like the
       Sneevils, Ash's quests in Falconreach). Once we've determined
       that, how many quests a week is reasonable? Or would biweekly be
       Currently I have made a new character and am going through the
       game making notes of every quest I come across, and getting a
       feel for the beginning of the game again. I have my own
       thoughts, but I would love to hear your guys' first!
       As far as catch-up goes, to those who need to catch up, what
       sort of timeline do you want? Would you like to see your threads
       up right away so you can get started, or do you want a launch at
       roughly the same time as the play through?
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