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       #Post#: 8438--------------------------------------------------
       Wartime Flyting
       By: guest74 Date: December 7, 2014, 8:21 pm
       [color=#7faef1]Hi guys! Here's a more fleshed-out explanation of
       a silly-challenges game I thought we might use to help bolster
       the energy and spirit of DragonFable's wartime threads. It's
       based on the Old Norse practice of flyting
 (HTM) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyting,
       but would utilize humorous
       vocabulary and motivational challenges rather than insults.
       [color=#7faef1]Already the wartime threads are filled with
       unfailing optimism and encouragement between players, and I've
       seen many cases of friendly challenges being thrown around, i.e.
       "Keep fighting, all! I bet we can reach __ waves before the
       hour!", "Give us all you've got, Side A! Side B is ready for
       your worst!", &c.
       I thought it would be really, really fun to introduce an
       expansion upon the friendly taunts, while emphasizing silly and
       creative words to ensure that the atmosphere remains positive
       and the focus upon warring as an activity to bring people
       together, rather than apart. Participants can call each other
       amusing names with made-up words or nonsensical titles, or throw
       epically-worded challenges at one another, basically anything
       with the goal of being silly and motivational rolled into one.
       [color=white]—Who and how?
       [color=#7faef1]My first thought was that we as a clan might
       start off this light-hearted competition for most-sillily-worded
       taunt / encouragement amongst ourselves, setting an example of
       the concept for the rest of the DF community by calling each
       other out amidst our normal posts whilst warring (only if you
       were interested). Participants wouldn't necessarily have to be
       of opposing sides, either!
       For example, say Star and I were fighting for "Peanut-Butter
       Enthusiasts", and Faerdin for "Nutella-Lovers United".
       Aura to Fae: "May your jars forever be void of confectionary
       spread, you hazelnutty crook of crumbs! Peanut butter shall
       prevail! D:<"
       Star to Aura: "Last one to two hundred more waves is a
       frazzle-coiffed, dry-witted framfrooziler!"
       I had imagined that other war-goers taking part in the threads
       might jump in and join our "flyting" by instinct, or if they
       found the idea particularly enjoyable. I believe it was
       mentioned at the meeting that we might need to ask moderator
       permission, though I hope to stress that what I originally had
       in mind was only friendly sillyness, and absolutely no serious
       insults or taunts. If someone has another possible method to
       introduce the game or any other thoughts in general on the idea
       of wartime "flyting", please share!
       #Post#: 8439--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wartime Flyting
       By: Gingkage Date: December 7, 2014, 8:27 pm
       Aura, while I doubt any trouble would happen (forum staff can
       generally tell good-natured vs mean-spirited), if you're worried
       about it, we could limit flyting (for those interested/actually
       understanding of this) to chat-hijinks. After all, they wouldn't
       be much different from ordinary chat-hijinks. :P
       #Post#: 8441--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wartime Flyting
       By: guest74 Date: December 7, 2014, 8:38 pm
       [color=#7faef1]I hadn't actually thought myself about needing
       permission from the moderators, since I only ever envisioned it
       being good-natured fun, but I know that other people expressed
       the concern while we were in the meeting (and I wanted to offer
       it up for discussion). Personally, I really hope that this is
       something we could bring to the AEF war threads, as a community
       sillyness to encourage creativity, grow closer together, and
       have fun as a whole!
       #Post#: 8446--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wartime Flyting
       By: Kalanna Dae Date: December 7, 2014, 10:17 pm
       Honestly, I think this could be quite fun.
       Just spitballing here but we could simply introduce teams based
       around a certain topic (for example, Cookies vs. Muffins).
       We could all simply stick the name of the team we're on in our
       signature, and let the flyting loose. I think forum members
       could catch on very quickly if a bunch of were simply giving
       silly themed insults to the opposing side.
       Really, I'm just thinking out loud here.