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       #Post#: 2780--------------------------------------------------
       Stones & Stumps in the Lowther Valley, Cumbria
       By: flipflopnick Date: October 30, 2012, 7:58 am
       The Stones & Stumps
 (HTM) http://coord.inf
       o/GC1YY3M series by martlakes are 18 GCs spread
       out on either of the M6 motorway between Clifton and Hackthorpe.
       All 18 can be found in one gargantuan walk, but I cut it down to
       several smaller walks to fit the time available with TIGG. None
       can be found as cache and dash. All have to be walked to.
       We did #4- #10 as one loop. Parking in Hackthorpe. Now there are
       extra GCs to find in Lowther Park.
       Another loop starts at the superb cafe at Melkinthorpe garden
       centre. This cafe is to die for. Gluten free chocolate cake.
       Yumm. Not your usual garden centre as it is in several food
       guides. Visit S&S #14, #13, #12, #11 and  We All Scream
 (HTM) http://coord.inf
       o/GC12G21 Tarmac can be avoided by taking muddy
       paths across fields.
       Final loop. Parked in Clifton. found S&S #18, #17, #16, #15 and
       the Last Battlefield in England
 (HTM) http://coord.inf
       o/GC1YH6D. Nearly all on paths.
       To complete the series, parked in Clifton and walked there and
       back past S&S #1, #2, #3 and  Castle View GC
 (HTM) http://coord.inf
       o/GC20HPR and  Stumped by the River GC
 (HTM) http://coord.inf
       Make your own route up but above makes the series bite size.