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       #Post#: 3012--------------------------------------------------
       Sapperton Canal and Railway Walk
       By: SangueG Date: November 18, 2012, 5:00 am
       16 Geocaches, 4 miles. Park at  N 51° 43.764 W 002° 05.375 for
       the walk.
       The walk starts and finishes at the Daneway pub where there is
       plenty of parking. Food is available. Dogs are welcome in the
       beer garden.
       The walk is not suitable for buggies. Also, a stretch of the
       walk is alongside a canal which is deep in places, so take care
       with any young children or animals accompanying you.
       Geocaches on route:
       At the time of writing this walk, there are 16 caches on route
       set by 5 cache owners. 14 of them are traditional, 2 are multi.
       One of the caches is an old one, set in 2003.
       The walk route:
       Set out in a westerly direction from the pub and follow the path
       alongside the canal for approximately 3/4 of a mile. Cross the
       canal at Whitehall Bridge where there is a cache you can use as
       a waypoint, and then dogleg easterly and head uphill through the
       woods. When you get to an obvious t-junction in the path head
       west until you reach the road. There is another cache by an
       unmapped railway tunnel airshaft which you can use as waypoint
       to head towards, the road is a little further on from that.
       Follow the road for about a 150m where you will enter the wood
       again on the south side of the road. The path heads south
       easterly through the woods. You will be walking along the route
       of a railway tunnel, sometimes directly above it. You will pass
       a couple more large brick airshafts, and you may get to hear a
       whoosh of air from them if a train passes underneath. As well as
       the airshafts, there is an old small abandoned building to look
       out for. You will cross a minor road on route. Continue on to
       where the railway tunnel opens up briefly, just before you get
       to a main road. You can use cache Middleton Hill to mark this as
       a waypoint.
       Head north. You will now be on a byway. After about 600m you
       will reach a road. Take the road north east, and then bare left
       at the crossroads. You will be heading towards Sapperton Village
       walking along a stretch of the disused Sapperton canal tunnel.
       About 400m along this road take the minor road to the north, and
       then take a right to head into the centre of the village. After
       about 400m you will be at St Kenelms Church. Take the footpath
       alongside the churchyard and head east, you can use the oldest
       cache on this walk Zero Five as a waypoint, which will take you
       back towards the canal, and towards the north portal of the
       canal tunnel. Keeping on the path and heading east you will
       arrive back at your start point at the Daneway pub.
       I have made a bookmark list of the caches on this route
       available HERE
 (HTM) http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=a38501f7-a781-4435-9ca2-05135928932d
       #Post#: 4111--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sapperton Canal and Railway Walk
       By: SangueG Date: February 10, 2013, 1:11 am
       I have updated the bookmark list of caches for this walk, still
       the same link in the main walk post. There has been a slight
       change with one cache being archived, but another has taken it's
       place very nearby.
       It was great to see a few people had walked the triangle
       #Post#: 6907--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sapperton Canal and Railway Walk
       By: SangueG Date: February 2, 2014, 8:08 am
       I have updated the bookmark list of caches for this walk again.
       The link to the bookmark list can be found still in the first
       post. One cache has been archived, so there are currently 15
       caches on this walk.
       #Post#: 8254--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sapperton Canal and Railway Walk
       By: SangueG Date: September 7, 2014, 4:42 pm
       How does the saying go about curiosity? And did the cat meet
       it’s demise by drowning? Probably. But hey..
       Found and investigated some newly found rock crevices in the
       general vicinity of the canal part of this walk recently.
       Including popping my head a little way into the Daneway portal
       of the Sapperton Canal Tunnel, which is located very close to
       the 'Zero Five' cache.. It’s a lot less muddy than Hippos to
       enter :D
       Other more important thing I wanted to note in this post was
       that the Daneway pub does seem to not be as open as it used to
       be. It does open, but do not go there expecting it to be open
       during the day. Visit on Saturday just past I found that they
       were not opening until 6.30pm.
       All caches in the bookmark list are still active.
       #Post#: 8256--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sapperton Canal and Railway Walk
       By: walktall Date: September 7, 2014, 6:48 pm
       Sounds interesting :)