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       #Post#: 4346--------------------------------------------------
       Tuesday's Poll
       By: Griff Grof Date: March 5, 2013, 12:07 pm
       The second [shadow=red,left]Week of the Weekly
       Poll[/shadow][shadow=orange,left] - with a twist![/shadow]
       [move]TUESDAY'S POLL[/move]
       Will the number of cachers using smartphones over take those
       using GPS's?
       #Post#: 4348--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: SangueG Date: March 5, 2013, 1:09 pm
       Yes. Definitely yes, if they haven't already! Not saying that
       because I think it is a good thing, it's just the way it is.
       Until the beginning of the year I would never of used a phone to
       cache with. I am still hesitant now. I have a deep down feeling
       my ancient Garmin is still superior in some way than the using
       C:geo on my "apparently" smart phone. I have not gone out
       caching without my old GPSr, that was until Sunday just gone,
       where I fired up the app on my phone whilst I was in Avesbury
       for eldest son's football match, saw a nearby cache on it,
       headed straight for it, and found it almost straight away.
       If many GPSr's had the functionality that phones do to be able
       to search for caches online and download the coords anywhere,
       anytime, then I may well of voted differently. I am not totally
       converted yet, but phones do have some benefits over standard
       #Post#: 4352--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: Griff Grof Date: March 5, 2013, 1:35 pm
       Yes, I found a cache today and yesterday with a phone  :D - it
       is easier as you can check if there are any around, if you have
       time to spare.
       Phones don't have the accuracy of GPS's. Once they do, YES, yes
       I do also think GPS's will be used less for Geocaching.
       #Post#: 4356--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: SangueG Date: March 5, 2013, 1:44 pm
       Accuracy is definitely the part that has stopped me from
       converting totally. A couple of months back just after getting a
       new phone, I took both the phone and my GPSr with me when I went
       to do a few caches around Shurdington. I kept firing up the GPSr
       to check I was in the correct place that my phone was telling me
       I was, some of the time I was, but for one cache the phone put
       me over 50' away from the cache. The GPSr took me right to the
       correct spot.
       I know there is much more to it than that, and it depends what
       quality of device the hider used, and other factors. But I still
       have a deep down feeling of trust that my GPSr is putting me in
       the right spot.
       #Post#: 4358--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: Wacky races Date: March 5, 2013, 2:00 pm
       Phones are also very bad for battery time. I was out caching
       with Griff and the battery ran out three quarter of the way
       through, I managed to find them due to printed maps. My GPS
       could last for at least 5 geocaching trips and I could replace
       the batteries with the spares I kept
       #Post#: 4359--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: walktall Date: March 5, 2013, 2:01 pm
       I think they will all still be used but the odd time I have
       tried to use a smart phone, I found the accuracy wanting. Also
       not everyone (like me) can't afford to have a smart phone that
       is connected to the Internet while out and about, so one of the
       great advantages of a smart phone, of being able to find caches
       on a whim would be lost.
       Saying all that, so many people do have smart phones, it makes
       geocaching more accessible to the masses :)
       #Post#: 4362--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: Griff Grof Date: March 5, 2013, 2:08 pm
       [quote author=Wacky races link=topic=303.msg4358#msg4358
       Phones are also very bad for battery time. I was out caching
       with Griff and the battery ran out three quarter of the way
       through, I managed to find them due to printed maps. My GPS
       could last for at least 5 geocaching trips and I could replace
       the batteries with the spares I kept
       "Hats off to Wacky Races!" - ohh that was lucky how you managed
       to find them! Good old ABFTN  :D - A good point about battery
       life, too  :)
       And also good points, walk tall and Gackt.
       #Post#: 4370--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: Pir8sOldNew Date: March 5, 2013, 4:25 pm
       As a smartphone cacher only, I have to hope my phone gets me as
       close as possible to the cache, and with two phones I use both
       to double check to reduce the % of DNF's.
       I can see the great GPS difference, and with time and
       technology, I hope the accuracy and battery drain changes so I
       can last longer out.
       #Post#: 4377--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: Bear and Ragged Date: March 6, 2013, 3:58 pm
       Battery life, accuracy, and ruggedness.
       Once phones get those...  :o
       Most of my caching is done 'on the fly' and phones are great.
       But. Most of the finds are using 'geo-sense' as to where the
       cache is.
       If there's no cache around, I'll try for a munzee...
       Just wait until you try to cache/munzee, and get 'Unable to
       connect to *insert name* server' a few times while out, and you
       soon get pi$$ed off with phones!
       #Post#: 4443--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tuesday's Poll
       By: Griff Grof Date: March 12, 2013, 11:21 am
       The second [shadow=red,left]Week of the Weekly
       Poll[/shadow][shadow=orange,left] - with a
       twist![/shadow][shadow=green,left] | The results [/shadow]
       Yes came out as the winning option on the poll Will the use of
       smartphones over take use of GPS for Geocaching?
       Thanks all for voting and taking part!