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       #Post#: 5585--------------------------------------------------
       What's on TV
       By: Griff Grof Date: September 29, 2013, 9:42 am
       Definitely off topic!
       There's a lot of good stuff on the box right now - from dramas,
       to comedy's to talent shows.
       What are you all watching? Or do you disagree, and think
       everything on right now is rubbish!?  :o :D
       I'm personally enjoying The X Factor right now (despite all the
       controversy surrounding last night), and they're showing re-runs
       of Fawlty Towers on Gold - John Cleese is so funny  :D, amongst
       various others.
       Only thing that seems to always be missing is a Geocaching show
       - there are podcasts, so why can't we have a caching chat-show?
       :D ;D
       #Post#: 5590--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: SangueG Date: September 29, 2013, 11:41 am
       X Factor is not my thing, but it is on in the house sometimes so
       I cannot escape it. I bought 5 copies of the Rage Against The
       Machine track a couple of years back to help the anti-X Factor
       Christmas No1 campaign... Don't hate me for it ;D A lot of
       people follow the show so it must have an appeal that I just not
       I don't watch a lot of TV. I like a good movie. I watched the
       directors cut of Bladerunner on TV the other night. The few TV
       shows I do watch at the moment include the latest series of
       Whitechapel, though I have not followed it before this series. I
       watched the first episode of Agents of Shield the other night..
       not bad, but I don't know if I will have time to carry on with
       that one.
       For comedy relief I occasionally watch an episode of Family Guy.
       We also have Big Bang Theory on quite a bit as it's Tom's
       favourite show of the moment. I do find that quite funny, but
       only because I see a little bit of all the main characters in
       #Post#: 5593--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: Griff Grof Date: September 29, 2013, 11:47 am
       :D - I don't think an X Factor winner has had a Christmas
       number 1 since then, actually  :o
       Ahh we really don't watch enough movies - which is a shame  :(
       haven't heard of Bladerunner, will need to check it out  :)
       Haven't ever watched The Big Bang theory despite many people
       saying how good it is - I'm sure I will one day  :D
       #Post#: 5599--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: walktall Date: September 29, 2013, 3:42 pm
       X-factor - what is that :o
       Bladerunner - now that is a classic film, got the directors cut
       DVD :)
       It's that time of year, so the Mrs is glued to that dance
       programme that has just started on the BBC.
       I got an amazing deal from Amazon for 6 months of full
       LoveFilms, so catching up on those films or series I missed,
       either via Internet or post :) but it's due to end in Nov.
       #Post#: 5649--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: grizzly pair Date: October 6, 2013, 3:12 pm
       I remember seeing Bladerunner at the cinema In 1982, its still
       way ahead of its time and fairly true to the book. This was one
       of Philip K. Dick's masterpieces and I think it was one of the
       few treatments of his books that he was involved with before he
       died. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"  is a great SF book.
       #Post#: 6798--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: SangueG Date: January 18, 2014, 4:02 am
       An update on my latest TV watching.. well, not a lot has changed
       :D The new series of Big Bang Theory is showing on E4 currently
       on Thursdays, so am watching that.
       A new american comedy series started this week straight after
       Big Bang, called Brooklyn Nine Nine, it was actually quite
       funny. I find US comedies quite often don't do it for me.
       Although half of me is american I still don't get some of their
       style of humour, like many of them do not seem to understand
       ours. After Brooklyn on the same channel they showed another
       comedy series 2 Broke Girls, after a few minutes I just had to
       turn off as I was just not getting any laughs.. I knew when it
       was supposed to be funny because of canned laughter, but I just
       didn't get it  :P
       Not a lot of time for movies lately. I have been given a few by
       my brother for Christmas on DVD to get through sometime. One was
       'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter' which I have watched on two
       sittings yesterday and today as not enough time for a whole
       movie in one go. It was absolutely ludicrous, but a good fun
       action horror at the same time.
       #Post#: 6806--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: tarmacjohn Date: January 18, 2014, 12:39 pm
       I brought the new Riddick film yesterday, I am going to watch it
       tonight once I get home from London. I am enjoying The Voice now
       Kylie is in it, but once the heats are over I shall get bored.
       #Post#: 6808--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: walktall Date: January 18, 2014, 2:48 pm
       [quote author=tarmacjohn link=topic=400.msg6806#msg6806
       I brought the new Riddick film yesterday, I am going to watch it
       tonight once I get home from London. I am enjoying The Voice now
       Kylie is in it, but once the heats are over I shall get bored.
       Let us know if the Riddick film is any good? I've enjoyed the
       others :)
       #Post#: 6815--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: SangueG Date: January 19, 2014, 3:06 pm
       I would be interested to know what the new Riddick film is like
       too. I have seen the first couple. Out of those two I actually
       preferred the first one, even though it had a much lower budget.
       #Post#: 6816--------------------------------------------------
       Re: What's on TV
       By: tarmacjohn Date: January 19, 2014, 3:34 pm
       One thing led to another and I haven't actually watched it yet,
       will give feedback when I do.
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