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       #Post#: 6463--------------------------------------------------
       Nominations for "Most Interesting Geocaching Thread of 2013
       By: Site Admin Date: December 1, 2013, 5:27 am
       [center]Nominations for [shadow=red,left]Most Interesting
       Geocaching Thread of 2013[/shadow] Award[/center]
       [center][size=10pt]All nominations for this coveted award on
       THIS THREAD only. This thread will close on December
       [center]You may nominate a thread because you found it useful,
       fun, interesting, informative... anything! There are a few
       rules, however:
       1) The thread has to be Geocaching-related
       2) The thread must have been started in 2013 ONLY
       3) You can only nominate ONE thread each
       4) You CANNOT nominate a thread you started (after all, it will
       be the thread author winning the prize!)
       And that's it! Get nominating, the more threads nominated the
       more special the award will seem  ;D
       This thread is currently open, but will close on December 15th.
       Has the GPS receiver seen its day, Griff Grof
       The great Cotswold walk, Griff Grof [/center]
       #Post#: 6512--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Nominations for "Most Interesting Geocaching Thread of 
       By: walktall Date: December 2, 2013, 3:49 pm
       As this was a discussion using a GPS while caching, I nominate:
       Has the GPS receiver seen its day?
 (HTM) http://cachewalker.createaforum.com/caching-gear-tech-talk/the-demise-of-the-gps-receiver/<br
       />by Griff
       #Post#: 6561--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Nominations for &quot;Most Interesting Geocaching Thread of 
       By: Site Admin Date: December 10, 2013, 10:33 am
       Reminder: Nominations will close on Friday. It would be great if
       as many people as possible could contribute with a nomination
       #Post#: 6567--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Nominations for &quot;Most Interesting Geocaching Thread of 
       By: SangueG Date: December 14, 2013, 8:19 am
       I nominate The great Cotswold walk
 (HTM) http://cachewalker.createaforum.com/general-caching/the-great-cotswold-walk/.
       #Post#: 6570--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Nominations for &quot;Most Interesting Geocaching Thread of 
       By: Griff Grof Date: December 14, 2013, 12:12 pm
       When did you first find out about caching
 (HTM) http://cachewalker.createaforum.com/general-caching/when-did-you-first-find-out-about-geocaching/<br
       />by Wacky races.
       Most caching-related threads have been by me this year so quite
       hard to find one, but this was a nice one by last year's
       champion in this category  ;D