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       #Post#: 6543--------------------------------------------------
       PQ Problem 
       By: Griff Grof Date: December 6, 2013, 12:14 pm
       So, recently I've only been using pocket queries to load caches
       on to my GPS.
       But the .zip file I download and subsequently copy and paste in
       to the GPX folder of my GPS isn't showing the caches when I go
       on the GPS itself. This sounds odd, right?
       So I copy the .zip file in.
       Turn on the GPS to check the caches are there, and they are not.
       As if I'd never pasted the file.
       However, after a while of pasting it in a lot more times, a
       folder (with GPX files, which are needed of course) shows up,
       and then the caches appear on the GPS  :o
       Anyone have any clue what's going on, and why the GPX files take
       so long to appear  ???
       #Post#: 6544--------------------------------------------------
       Re: PQ Problem 
       By: Griff Grof Date: December 6, 2013, 12:26 pm
       Odd. At the click of the .zip file, the GPX file appeared  :o
       #Post#: 6548--------------------------------------------------
       Re: PQ Problem 
       By: Bear and Ragged Date: December 6, 2013, 3:01 pm
       The .zip file needs to be un-zipped, and then the ,gpx and wpts
       .gpx file copied to the GPS.
 (HTM) http://www.follow-the-arrow.co.uk/resources/paperless.html#gotinfo<br
       />has some good instructions.