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       #Post#: 6572--------------------------------------------------
       CWF Awards: VOTING NOW OPEN
       By: Site Admin Date: December 14, 2013, 1:01 pm
       [center][shadow=red,left][font=verdana]CacheWalker Forum Awards
       [center]It's time for the voting to begin - we need
       [center]LINK TO BALLOT
 (HTM) https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XS78JWL[/center]
       #Post#: 6652--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CWF Awards: VOTING NOW OPEN
       By: Griff Grof Date: December 29, 2013, 1:15 pm
       Some inside information from the voting...
       - There is a TIE on Most Interesting Thread.
       - There are the same couple of people leading the vote in every
       category, several VERY close behind
       So - KEEP VOTING - You have until Midnight - let's get an
       outstanding winner on Most Interesting Thread, at least  :D And
       you never know, the current winners could change, as I've said:
       it is VERY  close at the moment.  :o