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       #Post#: 6660--------------------------------------------------
       Below Above decryption
       By: bambam897 Date: December 30, 2013, 8:53 am
       I am new to this forum but have been geocaching since 2011
       mostly on my own as I don't know many people who like long hikes
       in remote places coupled to geocaching. I am currently looking
       at the Below Above series of caches starting with the Ugly
       Duckling, I have a small group of who are mixture of cavers and
       non-cavers who are up for coming along plus I have a guide of
       the relevant quarry.
       I am having a few problems trying to decipher the code for the
       route. I have tried the Caesar cipher and Playfair cipher
       separately and also tried rotating 1st with the Caesar and
       applying the Playfair as I think it is double scrambled. I have
       tried a few different keys as well but nothing is coming up
       trumps. Has anyone got any ideas at all? If I cannot decipher I
       will probably go underground anyway as its an interesting
       feature, but it will always be niggling me that there is a cache
       somewhere close!
       #Post#: 6664--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Below Above decryption
       By: Griff Grof Date: December 30, 2013, 9:24 am
       I found this cache the other day, as well as some other Below
       Above's  :) We  both enjoyed the day, and I'm eager to find more
       Everything you need is on the cache page. The cipher I used,
       which worked, is Braingle Keyword Cipher
 (HTM) http://www.braingle.com/brainteasers/codes/keyword.php.
       You may also want to join the Cotswold Caching
 (HTM) http://www.cotswoldcaching.co.uk
       where the Below Above cache
       owner can give you a hand  :) (he's not a member on this forum)
       Good luck!
       #Post#: 6667--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Below Above decryption
       By: bambam897 Date: December 30, 2013, 9:35 am
       Thanks Griff
       I am already a member of the Cotswold cachers forum and have
       been following their recent posts. Unfortunately I keep missing
       #Post#: 6669--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Below Above decryption
       By: bambam897 Date: December 30, 2013, 9:48 am
       Ahaa - cracked it  ;D ;D - Thanks for your help there mate.