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       #Post#: 11548--------------------------------------------------
       CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: Site Admin Date: January 2, 2018, 6:00 am
       [center]This is the place for all discussion (unless you think
       your point deserves its own topic) for the
       [shadow=teal,right]CacheWalker TB Race: Signal on Tour (name
       [size=14pt]The TB race will begin at 0:00 January 8th, and will
       end on 0:00 December 25th.
       Participants received a special trackable tag from volunteer
       reviewers at the 2017 CacheWalker Twixmas Bash. These tags will
       be placed in caches and the TB which travels the furthest will
       If you want, you can attach a Signal/frog related item to your
       TB tag, but there is no requirement to do so.
       The Rules:
       [li]The race officially begins at 0:00 on January 8th 2018.
       However, TBs can be added to the race at any point after this
       start date.[/li]
       [li]The race is on until 0:00 December 25th 2018[/li]
       [li]The TB with the most miles on this date will be declared the
       2018 Winner at the 2018 Twixmas Bash (apparently there will be
       [li]CacheWalkers may not move their own tags along.[/li]
       [li]Therefore, TBs must be dropped & collected by different
       cachers (if moved on by the same cacher only the FIRST jump will
       be counted).[/li]
       [li]The owner of the TB must not be present with the cacher
       who's moving it IF they both visit the same cache together for
       the drop. [/li]
       [li]'Discover/Visted' logs do not count.[/li]
       [li]CacheWalkers can only have ONE TB each in the race (unless a
       couple/family are wishing to have their own).[/li]
       [li]If your TB goes missing YOU ARE OUT OF THE RACE - you cannot
       re-release another trackable tag as part of this year's race.
       The official TB-run page for the race is now up and running here
       - CWTBR 2018
 (HTM) http://www.tb-run.com/show-race.php?run=CWTB18
       How to join the race:
       Please email [email]griffgrof@cachewalker.co.uk[/email] or Griff
       Grof via his profile with the public Trackable ID (TBxxxx), that
       you find on the 'Details' page of your TB on Geocaching.com.
       There no limit for the number of participants.
       You can still request to take part after the start date, but the
       sooner the better/further!
       Please name your TB in this format: CW: Signal on Tour (your
       caching name)
       [center][shadow=teal,right]Let the race (and discussion) begin -
       3,2,1... GO![/shadow] [/center]
       #Post#: 11549--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: hogsunters Date: January 2, 2018, 7:44 am
       Do we have to attach a superbike to our TB or could it be
       something more appropriate ie a frog?
       #Post#: 11550--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: Griff Grof Date: January 2, 2018, 8:02 am
       [quote author=Hogshunters link=topic=798.msg11549#msg11549
       Do we have to attach a superbike to our TB or could it be
       something more appropriate ie a frog?
       I was thinking we could make it optional, the common thing (in
       the past SuperBikes) is the tag. So, either something
       appropriate, something else or even nothing.
       Unless people think otherwise?  ???
       #Post#: 11552--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: walktall Date: January 3, 2018, 6:11 am
       I would make it optional (two of mine lost their bikes!) but a
       frog would be good :)
       I see you have gone with the 8th as a start date  8)
       #Post#: 11557--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: walktall Date: January 6, 2018, 10:51 am
       My Tag is ready to go CW: Signal on Tour (walk tall)
 (HTM) https://coord.inf
       o/TB8G9MY  8)
 (HTM) https://s3.amazonaws.com/gs-geo-images/ec6719a2-89a9-49c1-8606-6e9c74165c24_l.jpg
       #Post#: 11558--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: hogsunters Date: January 6, 2018, 12:43 pm
       Love the frog! Hope he doesn't hop away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D
       #Post#: 11559--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: gaz_zippy Date: January 6, 2018, 2:05 pm
       Joined the race, thanks for adding me. TB has been renamed as
       per the required format.
       #Post#: 11560--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: walktall Date: January 6, 2018, 2:32 pm
       [quote author=Site Admin link=topic=798.msg11548#msg11548
       [li]CacheWalkers may not move their own SuperBikes along.[/li]
       #Post#: 11561--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: Griff Grof Date: January 6, 2018, 4:41 pm
       [quote author=walktall link=topic=798.msg11560#msg11560
       Sorry - bad copy and paste  :D :D
       I’ve edited it  :)
       #Post#: 11562--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CacheWalker TB Race 2018
       By: walktall Date: January 7, 2018, 3:33 am
       [quote author=Griff Grof link=topic=798.msg11561#msg11561
       Sorry - bad copy and paste  :D :D
       I’ve edited it  :)
       Are you correcting the tb-run.com site as well?
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