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       #Post#: 1090--------------------------------------------------
       Sam Marriage Bazaar
       By: QUANT Date: May 1, 2022, 2:39 pm
 (HTM) https://www.yourchineseastrology.com/calendar/bazi/marriage-compatibility/result.htm?bn=Deverakonda+Vijay+Sai&by=1989&bm=5&bd=9&bt=11&gn=SAMANTHA+RUTH+PRABHU&gy=1987&gm=4&gd=28&gt=11
       53.25/100 [emoji23]
 (HTM) https://www.calculator.com/calculate/love-compatibility/
       - -
       A Good Match
       Western Score Taurus and Taurus 3.75
       Eastern Score Snake and Rabbit 3.75
       Total Score 7.5 from 10
       Match made in heaven [emoji13]
       #Post#: 1092--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sam Marriage Bazaar
       By: QUANT Date: May 1, 2022, 2:49 pm
 (HTM) https://astra-nsk.com/horoscope-of-compatibility-by-date-of-birth-result-page/
       Your birth date compatibility have been calculated:
       Man or 1st person, with birth date 9.May.1989
       Woman or 2nd person, with birth date 28.Apr.1987
       Common analysis
       The following table presents the total number of aspects between
       planets of partners.
       Planets with the largest number of aspects indicate the main
       direction of development of relations. It is important - a Sun
       and a Moon must have sufficient number of aspects, about 3 for
       one partner. It will provide the basic compatibility and will
       create the features that allow partners to live together. In
       this case the marriage is very possible.Also the number of
       aspects to Venus and Mars is important - theese links provide
       the romantic component of their relationship. The presence of
       more than two aspects, for both partners simultaneously,
       indicates that a strong mutual feeling may occur between them.
       If you are interested in the question - whether you call from a
       partner mutual feeling - look on Venus, if it's a man or on
       Mars, if it's a woman. The number of aspects to these planets
       from 3 or more guarantees that your partner is in great interest
       of you.
       Aspects of Saturn and Jupiter show the possibility for the pair
       to realize in social way. But there is important the balance. If
       Saturn's synastry aspects predominate, but there are no aspects
       of Jupiter - it's not good for relationships. The couple may not
       have enough power for social success. Similarly, the lack of
       aspects of Saturn with numerous Jupiter aspects can cause the
       presence of the great ambitions, but a lack of concentration and
       discipline for their implementation.
       So, brief description of planets meaning:
       Sun, Moon - biopsychic, common compatibility, everyday
       deals, life goals
       Venus, Mars - romantic relations, personal relations, taste,
       erotic, arts
       Saturn, Jupiter - social results, success, social goals and
       aims, ideals and essentials
       Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - high powers, extrapersonal energies
       Nodes - karma, past lifes, events flow
       Lilith - seduction, temptations, sex
       Total number of links for planets
       There is a very good common compatibility. Partners can easy
       live together, their marriage very possible
       There is a very good romantic connection. The great love and
       strong passion is very possible. It will be a very bright
       romantic relations.
       There is a very good potential for achieve social success by
       You are a special couple. Your relationship can help you realize
       your special talents and play a very important role in the lives
       of others. Or, if you do not accept this task, your relationship
       will be tragic and painful.
       Number of planets in Zodiac signs
       Most filled signs of the zodiac show the basic relationships
       kind. Those signs, in which the number of the planets is less
       than in others require compensation - the couple will look for
       friends that will fill theese signs with their planets, or
       children will be born by pair with planets in these signs.
       The distribution of planets ower the elements is also important.
       For stable relationships it need that all the elements (Fire,
       Earth, Air, Water) were filled with planets. If one of the
       partners has lack of some element, it is important that the
       second partner complement it.
       Distribution of planets in the elements indicates the nature of
       the relationship. If the fire prevails - the couple will be
       dynamic, creative, they life will be devoted to a new idea
       generation. If the earth prevails, the focus will be on
       practical issues, property, work, concrete action. Air gives
       broad social communication, a plurality of contacts,
       interactions, many friends and acquaintances. Water accentuates
       feelings of couples, maybe they would like greater privacy,
       allowing to plunge into himself. The best case - balanced
       distribution of a planets over elements. If there is a lack of
       some element, the couple will search friends for compensate
       So, let's look more detailed on your synastry aspects:
       Biopsychic compatibility, consistency of life goals, everyday
       Basic compatibility - a connection between planets and points of
       horoscopes that provide them interaction in everyday matters,
       given the consistency of the main goals of the life, allow
       partners to understand the needs and habits of each other.
       Aspects between the luminaries, the Sun and Moon play the main
       role in it. Secondary factor is aspects from planets of one
       partner to Sun or Moon of second parner.
       Sun and Moon aspects
       There is the harmonious aspect between Moons of partners. Good
       basic compatibility. Partners have good sensitivity, feeling for
       each other, they have the same tastes and everyday preferences.
       His Moon in harmonious aspect with her Sun. This aspect causes
       good soul harmony between the partners, they deeply feel and
       understand each other.
       Additional factors - aspects to luminaries from planets
       His Sun in connection with her Lilith. Woman offers man
       nonstandard ways to solve his tasks, gives him additional
       opportunities to circumvent the restrictions. If you want a
       woman, she always finds a way to be together with a man. Strong
       sexual innuendo in a relationship.
       There is stressful relationship between the man's Moon and
       woman's Venus. Not everything going smoothly between partners,
       often they excited by their negative emotions. But in spite of
       that they feel they need each other - mutually.
       There is relationship between the man's Moon and woman's Nodes
       of Lunar orbit. A man helps a woman to develop. Their paths are
       intertwined, a man can have an impact on the fate of woman,
       circumstances contribute to the fact that they were together.
       There is harmonious relationship between the man's Mars and
       woman's Sun. Partners can work effectively together, it is
       important to co-ordinate their efforts. They fill each other's
       There is harmonious relationship between the man's Saturn and
       woman's Sun. The man is very important to relate seriously to
       the woman's life goals. Woman helping man in a difficult
       moments. If between them there is a noticeable difference in
       age, their relationship will be stable.
       There is relationship between the man's Uranus and woman's Sun.
       It is important for man to control his negative emotions, in
       this case the couple will have the opportunity to do something
       important, significant for mankind and new. Man generates new
       ideas that sometimes seem to be a woman is not quite
       appropriate. It is important for woman to learn to respect and
       appreciate a flash of man's insight and assist in their
       implementation. It is extremely important to man to control his
       emotion and strongly depress a negative emotional explosions -
       without this inner culture the couple has no positive future.
       There is harmonious relationship between the man's Neptune and
       woman's Sun. Between partners there is a very subtle connection.
       Deep sensitivity of man combined with our energy of life of
       woman, but it is important that woman's power corresponded to
       the level of men's feelings. Women need to learn to feel what a
       man wants, what he has in mind. Man feels good woman, her
       emotional state but here need a mutual honesty, without honesty
       the level of relations will be degrade with time.
       There is stressful relationship between the man's Pluto and
       woman's Sun. A woman's initiative can frighten a man and he can
       unknowingly limit her independence and suppress her will. A
       woman can endure it for a long time, but sooner or later the
       situation will burst out by an explosion of negative emotions.
       To avoid it a man needs to demonstrate an adult pattern of
       relationships, to be lenient in small things and to be able to
       tolerate things that seem contrary. If he can do it he would
       achieve significant advance in social terms and the woman also
       will be able to make an exceptional career.
       There is harmonious relationship between the man's Mars and
       woman's Moon. Emotions in pair can be very dynamic and
       amplitude. The relationship is filled with energy.
       There is harmonious relationship between the man's Saturn and
       woman's Moon. A woman can give a man support in difficult
       situations. The man's seriousness and discipline helps a woman
       in her specific difficulties. If between partners there is a
       noticeable age difference, their relationship will be durable.
       There is harmonious relationship between the man's Uranus and
       woman's Moon. A woman have strong emotions she is sensitive to
       unexpected ideas that come to mind to the man and helps him to
       implement them. Overall she likes it, but the man needs to
       control his emotions and not to get irritated if a woman
       understands his ideas are too simplistic. The man teaches the
       woman the freedom of spirit.
       The man's Lunar Nodes are in harmonious connection with a
       woman's Moon. Woman emotions help man to evolve, with her
       motherly concern. Their paths are intertwined and their
       relationship is conditioned by karma.
       Luminaries analysis result
       Number of harmonious links: 11
       Number of stressful links: 3
       If there is stressful and harmonious links, it means that the
       relationship is balanced. A strong bias in one direction or
       another is not good. The prevail of harmonious links may lead to
       stagnation, lack of movement, the predominance of stressful -
       the tension and lack of psychological compatibility.
       In horoscope of compatibility a sufficient number of connections
       between luminaries exist to provide a long-term relationship and
       the possibility of joint life.
       High probability of marriage (>70%)
       Please don't believe blindly in these numbers. It is just a
       simple PHP script not too complicated and he does not consider
       many important factors. Only astrologist can make a qualitative
       Feelings, romantic, style, interpersonal relationships
       The possibility of romantic feelings is affected by links
       between Marses and Veneras of partners, as well as aspects to
       these planets from other points of the chart. Aspects to Marses
       and Veneras to luminaries was considered in the previous section
       and they will be accounted in final score, but their description
       will not be given here.
       The man's Mars is in stressful aspect with woman's Venus. Woman
       sometimes don't like what a man makes. She can had doubts
       whether he is suitable to her. A man attracts a woman. The
       feelings of the partners is unstable, but on the basis of this
       connection can still be occurred reciprocity.
       The man's Jupiter is in aspect with woman's Mars. A man gives a
       woman support, acting as a patron and benefactor. He helps her
       to show personal activity and to realize themselves in social
       Romantic connections analysis results
       Number of harmonious links: 3
       Number of stressful links: 2
       If there is intense and harmonious links, which means that the
       relationship is balanced. A strong bias in one direction or
       another, is not so good. The presence of only harmonious
       relations may lead to stagnation, lack of movement, the
       predominance of tense - the tension and lack of psychological
       Venus and Mars in horoscope have enough connections for provide
       for sympathy with 50% chance grow into a large and strong
       feelings or even love
       #Post#: 1095--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sam Marriage Bazaar
       By: Dancing fox Date: May 1, 2022, 3:11 pm
       See I told you. Sam-VD are made for each other. It seems only
       chay has no match. 😒😒 Why??? Why is he so
       #Post#: 1101--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Sam Marriage Bazaar
       By: Lotus Petals Date: May 1, 2022, 5:53 pm
       All this while, I thought VD was Varun Dhawan