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       #Post#: 32304--------------------------------------------------
       290, 310, 390 IPL and workshop manual 
       By: theoldman Date: January 20, 2014, 10:44 am
       First off I'd like to introduce myself to the forum. My name is
       Brett and I live out on the west coast in the beautiful 8) but
       liberal ??? state of California. I'm fairly inexperienced with
       chainsaws, though I've torn a few down and had success in
       I recently bought my first saw to be. My purchase was an ms390
       parts or repair saw... or so I thought. Knowing it wasn't a
       runner I was not expecting much, but was expecting more than
       what I got. Seems to me that someone threw a bunch of unusable
       parts together to make an unusable saw. My better judgement
       tells me to bail on the project and cut losses while their
       minimal. However, being the stubborn ol goat that I am, I can't
       give up so easily.
       My question: Does anyone have any and or all of the manuals and
       IPL's for saw's listed in the subject. Someone on ebay wants 20+
       for em and if I have to spend that just to see what I'm working
       with you may read about me in the newspaper once I fix the
       damned thing. Also if someone has a picture of the ignition coil
       and wiring that would be much appreciated.
       Thanks to all taking time to read and/or help.
       #Post#: 32305--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 290, 310, 390 IPL and workshop manual 
       By: 660magnum Date: January 20, 2014, 10:55 am
       Look in your Hotmail
       #Post#: 32307--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 290, 310, 390 IPL and workshop manual 
       By: theoldman Date: January 20, 2014, 11:11 am
       Thank you very much.