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       #Post#: 34628--------------------------------------------------
       Wayne's Chainsaw Museum Ultimate STIHL Collection 
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: February 17, 2014, 2:21 pm
       Cant remember if I posted this here before.  :-[
       Wayne's Chainsaw Museum - The Ultimate STIHL Collection
       Wayne Sutton not only works for STIHL, he's also the curator of
       a museum that houses one of the largest collections of STIHL
       chain saws and memorabilia. Wayne has collected chain saws since
       his college days and his museum contains some of the rarest
       saws, including the STIHL model BL chain saw which was built in
       1950. Wayne offers private tours by appointment.
 (HTM) http://youtu.be/Sh-XAmcB1Ts
       #Post#: 36313--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wayne's Chainsaw Museum Ultimate STIHL Collection 
       By: stihls066 Date: March 9, 2014, 6:40 pm
       #Post#: 36556--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Wayne's Chainsaw Museum Ultimate STIHL Collection 
       By: HolmenTree Date: March 13, 2014, 9:24 am
       I was in Wayne's Saw Shop, Amboy, Washington in the summer of
       1984. I bought some files and some other goodies from Wayne ,
       which in turn he gave me a ball cap to help "bug" Sam Madsen
       where  I was to make my next stop.
       Also met his mechanic "Wrench" who seemed proud of that handle.
       He was working on a 250cc hotsaw when I had a chat with him.
       Wayne Sutton, Sam and Ralph Madsen sold miles of Stihl saw chain
       each year already by this time especially after the 1980 Mt. St.
       Helen's eruption. These 2  shops were the poster boys for NW
       Stihl in nearby Chehalis.
       That's the last time I saw Wayne in 1984, hope to one day make
       another trip out there to visit his museum.