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       #Post#: 49519--------------------------------------------------
       Husqvarna K-750/760 cut off saw
       By: KilliansRedLeo Date: November 20, 2014, 4:52 pm
       Just got one of each in to repair from the same concrete guy. Is
       there a SM out there that covers both? Or are they different
       enough to each have a version of its' own.
       If anyone has a copy of either or both I would appreciate a
       Thank you.
       #Post#: 49522--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Husqvarna K-750/760 cut off saw
       By: aclarke Date: November 20, 2014, 5:56 pm
       Tim, are the partner k650/ k760 the same machines.  I have a pdf
       workshop for those. ..
       #Post#: 49523--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Husqvarna K-750/760 cut off saw
       By: KilliansRedLeo Date: November 20, 2014, 6:20 pm
       Adam, I don't know about the 650 but the 750 and 760 are pretty
       close. The 760 is a bunch more complex in the assembly process.
       I just repaired a 750 Rail Saw and have done several 760s, the
       750 was way different, not as complex as a 760.
       Did those old coils I sent you work out for you?
       #Post#: 49533--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Husqvarna K-750/760 cut off saw
       By: aclarke Date: November 20, 2014, 9:01 pm
       Tim, coils worked great! Much appreciated.   I'll post the pdf
       perhaps it will be useful.  Couldn't find any Husky K series
       specific shop manuals online, kinda odd
       #Post#: 49540--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Husqvarna K-750/760 cut off saw
       By: aclarke Date: November 21, 2014, 7:59 am
 (HTM) http://www.lacountyfirefighters.org/items/Partner_Workshop_manual.pdf
       copy paste