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       #Post#: 49534--------------------------------------------------
       XL 102 compression valve
       By: countryhog Date: November 20, 2014, 10:29 pm
       decompression valve is stuck, trying to get it out without
       removing cylinder. been spraying it liberally with kroil and
       have seen some VERY slight movement. SM indicates the valve
       should come out easily. Not happening. just trying to make sure
       there are no keepers I'm missing before I bring my MFH out.
       would a torch be helpful or hurtful? anyone got any ideas?
       Edit: got it out. had to drift it out with a LFH. turns out the
       previous owner or mechanic had dinged the end of the plunger
       just enough to alter the diameter. apparently had to force it
       in. I cleaned it up with my bench grinder. works great now.
       #Post#: 49714--------------------------------------------------
       Re: XL 102 compression valve
       By: sharkey Date: November 24, 2014, 10:30 am
       Good job getting it fixed.  Werent these 102's little hot rods?
       #Post#: 50206--------------------------------------------------
       Re: XL 102 compression valve
       By: countryhog Date: December 5, 2014, 9:32 am
       oh yeah. light weight with an attitude