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       #Post#: 54204--------------------------------------------------
       homelite 330
       By: dannyupsolate Date: February 13, 2015, 12:59 pm
       I read all the forums  on other sites that said these were the
       devil to take apart . i watched a pretty good video on youtube .
       now that i have it apart where i can put a new boot in it i know
       that all the warnings were true. the homelite 330  really is the
       devil to disassemble.
       #Post#: 54205--------------------------------------------------
       Re: homelite 330
       By: 660magnum Date: February 13, 2015, 1:17 pm
       Not to dispute your opinion . . .
       But I worked on some saws that were considered to be harder to
       work on. I found them to indeed be different to work on than
       some of the current popular chainsaws.
       After thinking about these difficult chainsaw examples, I
       considered that I was not familiar with their structure and they
       were not really harder to work on but different?
       #Post#: 54210--------------------------------------------------
       Re: homelite 330
       By: dannyupsolate Date: February 13, 2015, 3:47 pm
       all the pictures had disappeared at A. S and house of homelite
       thanks to youtube i had a clue. sorry if i make a pest of myself
       but i am bad back machinist and i either have to make a go of
       chainsaw repair or go for disability. this forum seems to be the
       best on the net. hope i can learn enough here to make a living.
       #Post#: 54261--------------------------------------------------
       Re: homelite 330
       By: Cut4fun Date: February 14, 2015, 11:42 am
       Danny post the youtube video and pics here so others will be
       able to fix as you did.  I am a member of HOH but forgot about
       it years ago.
       #Post#: 54262--------------------------------------------------
       Re: homelite 330
       By: dannyupsolate Date: February 14, 2015, 11:52 am
       trying to post a link first time hope it works
 (HTM) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcVJtnnd0R8
       #Post#: 54264--------------------------------------------------
       Re: homelite 330
       By: Cut4fun Date: February 14, 2015, 12:14 pm
       Looks good to me. For here to embed youtube videos you just
       click the share on video and copy paste link here. GJ
       #Post#: 54702--------------------------------------------------
       Re: homelite 330
       By: dannyupsolate Date: February 23, 2015, 10:56 pm
       I tested it out today. Cut a small pickup load of oak with it.
       Think I got all bugs worked out and it's owner will be pleased.
       Did not mean to use it that much but I liked how it chugged
       through white oak.