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       #Post#: 61174--------------------------------------------------
       500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: jeff.lary Date: September 3, 2015, 4:39 pm
       Hi all it has been a long time since I have posted here and I
       want to remain at least a little active.
       So this is my question I have a Partner 500 with 185# of
       compression once started it runs like a new one but it starts
       hard initially. So I changed the fuel line and filter, the spark
       plug is firing bright blue. I put a rebuild kit in the
       carburetor and changed the fuel cap O-ring,( thinking it is
       loosing its prime).. and of course fresh mix.
       If you let it set a day or so you have two choices about 15
       pulls or a few drops of mix in the carb. I feel as though  I
       dare to tell you that the saw is loosing its prime,... that when
       it sets a day or more you have to start by getting fuel up all
       the way from the tank to begin with. The only things I can think
       of to try are the following, Replace the impulse grommet, Raise
       the metering arm, and or open the Low speed circuit up another
       1/4-1/2 turn to get a little more fuel at start up.
       I am going to use the saw tomorrow so I may try to open up the
       low end a little to see if that helps. Does anyone have a a-haa
       moment here cause I sure don't ha ha. Oh well I will check in
       once in a while to see if anyone has an idea for me to try. Stay
       safe have a great weekend, Jeff
       #Post#: 61175--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: aclarke Date: September 3, 2015, 5:26 pm
       Is the choke functioning properly??
       #Post#: 61176--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: September 3, 2015, 5:26 pm
       I was thinking impulse grommet, but check rubber intake boot
       section for possibilitys. Not that boot section has anything to
       do with prime. But if replacing one mise well replace the other
       while in there.
       #Post#: 61177--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: September 3, 2015, 5:28 pm
 (HTM) http://www.partner.biz/ddoc/PARI/PARI1990_AAaa/PARI1990_AAaa_500_.pdf
       #Post#: 61178--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: jeff.lary Date: September 3, 2015, 6:41 pm
       yup I will look her over when I get in there
       #Post#: 61299--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: jeff.lary Date: September 6, 2015, 2:58 pm
       Well a little more to report, I checked the Low speed jet it
       was at 1 1/4 so before I changed anything I started it,... 15
       pulls. So I opened it to 1 and 3/4 turns now it starts in 7
       pulls and run good needed a little more help to idle so I
       cranked the idle screw in a little and it idles now. I am still
       not happy about the 7 pulls cold though to get it started the
       first time. It will re-start in 1 or 2 pulls when it has been
       run .
       The next thing will be a new impulse grommet I guess. Although
       I have never discovered any of my partners with a bad impulse
       grommet but I will look.
       I am not really in the sawing sort of mode though right now
       90* today 92* for tomorrow. I have a place out back at my Beaver
       bog that I want to put up a deer seat and the bog has a bunch of
       Alders to cut but I am not going to be doing it in this heat I
       I also have to build a small bridge over a water run off in one
       of my woods roads but the same thing too damn hot right now.
       #Post#: 61306--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: 3000 FPS Date: September 6, 2015, 6:04 pm
       Try choking it with your thumb to see if it makes any
       Like Adam mentioned, you never know.
       #Post#: 61319--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: jeff.lary Date: September 7, 2015, 1:21 pm
       Thanks for the responses any head is better than mine.
       Today it is 96* here and about 30* too hot for me ha ha. So I
       took the saw for a stroll onto the work bench. I took the carb
       off and replaced the impulse grommet it looked fine to me
       though. I also gave a close inspection to the intake boot , it
       looked fine so back into use it went .
       While there I took the carb all apart to give it a good
       cleaning. I discovered the atmospheric vent was facing the wrong
       way and when I took the cover off there was some fine saw dust
       inside on top of the diaphragm. Probably caused by the fan
       blowing dust into the atmospheric vent hole.
       I then took off the fuel pump side and the gaskets and
       diaphragm out as well. The inside of sides of the carb looked
       good under the gaskets and diaphragms. But I did want to check
       the metering lever height as I suspected it was low, and with
       the Walbro gauge in place I could see about 2mm of light between
       the lever and the gauge. So I took the lever and spring out and
       checked the needle as well,and I found a pretty good ring /
       indenture in the rubber tip time for a new one !
       Now I put in a new needle and reset the metering lever height
       by bending the arm up about 2mm and the gauge liked that much
       better. I put the saw all back together and it started on the
       first pull. I don't know if that will happen next time but for
       now it seems much better.
       #Post#: 61320--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: September 7, 2015, 2:00 pm
       Nice job detective.  Cool when you figure that stuff out.  8)
       #Post#: 61322--------------------------------------------------
       Re: 500 starts hard once started it restarts good
       By: jeff.lary Date: September 7, 2015, 4:26 pm
       Well thanks I appreciate that,
       I have a few saws and I do try to keep notes so I know what I
       have done to who,... but not always. I am not sure if it  is
       cured or not but I do know this,... I has a new needle valve,
       new impulse grommet , inspected intake boot , a correctly
       orientated atmospheric vet hole,.. and a properly set metering
       lever. There isn't one of these things that wont help out the
       situation. At least that is my hope... Thanks to all who gave an
       opinion that is why places like this exist I guess.
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