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       #Post#: 61304--------------------------------------------------
       By: billdunn64 Date: September 6, 2015, 5:35 pm
       I have a Homelite XL that my father-in-law gave me. It will
       start and die, he has rebuilt the carb and put a new oil pump in
       it. My father had one when I was a teenager. It was the best saw
       for trimming around the fence rows because it was so light.
       would like to get this saw going but don't know what to do next.
       #Post#: 61316--------------------------------------------------
       Re: XL
       By: RoyM Date: September 7, 2015, 11:13 am
       Did he replace the fuel line and filter?
       #Post#: 61326--------------------------------------------------
       Re: XL
       By: billdunn64 Date: September 7, 2015, 5:44 pm
       I don't know if he did or not. I will have to ask him