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       #Post#: 90309--------------------------------------------------
       China clone Echo 2511
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: November 21, 2023, 6:14 am
       Pics shared in CR FB group
       2 different clone 2511
       #Post#: 90310--------------------------------------------------
       Re: China clone Echo 2511
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: November 21, 2023, 10:00 am
       Interesting that 2 different China companies got 2 of the 2511
       clones out there already.
       346-353 next please. 😁
       #Post#: 90721--------------------------------------------------
       Re: China clone Echo 2511
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: July 17, 2024, 8:46 am
       V-MODEST ES-2511   They are out now 150 shipped.  3-4 different
       ones I have seen now.
 (HTM) https://youtu.be/m8CCHn3xO08
       #Post#: 90722--------------------------------------------------
       Re: China clone Echo 2511
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: July 18, 2024, 8:18 am
       Just so you guys know thats on a budget and want a light 25cc
       clone of echo 2511.
       Their out since last year and in states now. 149-159 gets you
       one it seems.
       Weigh 2 ounces more then oem, so like 5lbs 6oz I think PHO dry.
       Have 2 bar studs instead of one. Carb venturi measures smaller.
       Few folks in my chainsaw repair group tearing into them to see.
       Also the 1/4" mini chain bar set ups with drum can be had for 50
       more for them.
       Just thought some might find it interesting too.
       Pic in middle of one getting checked out by a guy that ports
       #Post#: 90726--------------------------------------------------
       Re: China clone Echo 2511
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: July 20, 2024, 9:40 am
       US dealer feedback =  I've been running the V-Modest version for
       a few weeks (videos on the Tube) and it does good. Definitely
       not the high end screamer my Echo is but it has way more low end
       torque. The throat in the carb looks smaller so that makes
       perfect sense. I also sell the KNK Power version which has a
       much bigger muffler but still doesn't rev real high. When it
       comes to actually cutting with them the torque seems to make up
       for the speed. They spin fast enough to keep the chain from
       chattering and you can lean into them without stalling the
       chain. I've got 1 of each out for porting and can't wait to see
       how they compare when i get them back.