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       #Post#: 90513--------------------------------------------------
       Stihl piston
       By: Simas Alijo?ius Date: March 1, 2024, 3:30 am
       Could be this the reason why my chainsaw dont start
       #Post#: 90514--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stihl piston
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: March 1, 2024, 6:01 am
       Chip in piston edge and some carbon is all that shows me.
       Could be many reasons.
       No basics given. Getting - Spark, Fuel and have good
       Compression, all needed.
       GL troubleshooting.
       #Post#: 90515--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stihl piston
       By: Chainsawrepair Date: March 1, 2024, 6:04 am
       [member=130]joe_indi[/member]  I think they maybe over your way
       if you like to try and help them.
       #Post#: 90516--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stihl piston
       By: joe_indi Date: March 1, 2024, 11:20 pm
       How about some pictures from the sides and also of the cylinder
       bore. Which saw is it?
       But, over here in India we see a lot of damage to the piston
       from the big end getting burner from over revving, the needles
       come off and get sucked up into the combustion chamber. Usually
       some damage will also be seen between the rings on the flywheel
       side too..
       But even in this picture the big end looks over heated.
       Over revs from underload usually blunt chain
       #Post#: 90520--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Stihl piston
       By: Simas Alijo?ius Date: March 5, 2024, 2:28 pm
       Its stihl ms361, spark plug works fine its probobly carbirator
       because evrything seems dry after trying to start on closed air