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       #Post#: 19--------------------------------------------------
       Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: RawrR_its_flying_monkies Date: July 20, 2010, 5:57 am
       Yeahh. Hi. I figured my love music based user names were getting
       a tad bit old. So going with a user name I used on gaia for a
       Role play xD
       Lets see. I really dunno what to say on here. I'm a Boring
       person i guess(:
       #Post#: 20--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: Dillygirl Date: July 20, 2010, 9:47 am
       xXmusictemptationXx is that you?
       #Post#: 78--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: RawrR_its_flying_monkies Date: July 20, 2010, 6:39 pm
       yep ^^
       #Post#: 84--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: Dillygirl Date: July 20, 2010, 6:43 pm
       yes! called it.
       #Post#: 90--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: RawrR_its_flying_monkies Date: July 20, 2010, 6:50 pm
       I trieddd to hint it(:
       #Post#: 97--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: agent frog Date: July 20, 2010, 6:59 pm
       Tell a little more about yourself RawR
       #Post#: 98--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: RawrR_its_flying_monkies Date: July 20, 2010, 7:01 pm
       Ehhh. Like what? Name age location favorite....? Those boring
       #Post#: 101--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: agent frog Date: July 20, 2010, 7:04 pm
       Favorite animal probaly?
       What is your favorite music?
       #Post#: 128--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: RawrR_its_flying_monkies Date: July 20, 2010, 8:16 pm
       Hmm, well i'm not a huge animal lover. Actually i'm scared of
       all animals... I freak out around them. Well, i like Japanese
       pet stores. The animals there are cute but, overall i'm not huge
       on animals...
       Music wise, i love modern rock, celtic music, and Jrock/Jpop. ^^
       #Post#: 172--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Erm All About RawrR_its_flying_monkies
       By: agent frog Date: July 21, 2010, 2:29 pm
       Celtic, reminds me that I love Norse Mythology.
       Here, I'll name a few gods of the top of my head,
       Höðr (also known as Hod)
       Isn't Norse and Celtic the same?
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