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       #Post#: 2464--------------------------------------------------
       By: MS.China Date: December 25, 2016, 1:09 pm
       The night before I put 30 Christmas presents under the tree for
       each child*
       Kids come down here please!!
       Waits for the kids to walk in
       #Post#: 2465--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: neigh Date: December 27, 2016, 7:34 am
       *check to see if mom's in her room, but she's not so she must be
       in the stable, and then rush downstairs*
       *get Sally out, go to the bathroom quickly, and rush downstairs*
       Jenny and Mr. Whites
       *walk downstairs, holding hands*
       Ms. Womzie
       *walks inside, after taking care of the horses*  "I hope I
       didn't miss anything."
       #Post#: 2466--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: BabyKath Date: December 29, 2016, 5:09 pm
       *Running to the living room with sleepy eyes, bringing my
       stuffed lemur with me, I tuck him under my arm*
       "Oscar, lets go see what this fuss is about huh?"
       *Cuddling him close to me, I go take a seat downstairs*
       #Post#: 2475--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: MS.China Date: January 11, 2017, 1:32 pm
       When everyone comes in I start by saying
       Good morning everyone each child has presents. Each child has a
       different color wrapping paper so like Samuel all yours is green
       Jenny all yours is pink for example to find your color just look
       for your name! Samuel sally has gifts too all hers are not the
       yellow paper. Adults you have things as well just your stuff is
       buy the wall all the kids stuff is under the tree!
       #Post#: 2482--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: neigh Date: January 11, 2017, 4:50 pm
       *run to presents, wondering which one to open first*
       *looks at Sally's and then my presents, checking to see what's
       from Santa Clause and what's from somebody else*  "May I open
       one now?"
       *check to see which ones are mine*
       #Post#: 2485--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: Britney Date: January 13, 2017, 1:25 pm
       *pushes everyone out the way running to the presents*
       #Post#: 2495--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: ally Date: January 14, 2017, 8:38 pm
       *grabs my presents*
       #Post#: 2500--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: Aamiya Date: January 14, 2017, 11:12 pm
       gets my presents*
       #Post#: 2505--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: MS.China Date: January 15, 2017, 9:54 am
       no pushing please
       #Post#: 8985--------------------------------------------------
       Re: CHRISTMAS
       By: Birdyblack Date: May 15, 2019, 5:46 am
       How is it