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       #Post#: 2846--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: MS.China Date: January 25, 2017, 9:07 pm
       she will have fun
       #Post#: 2849--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: neigh Date: January 25, 2017, 11:25 pm
       *sign*  "I am going to hold you to that."  *goes into Amber's
       room, gets her up, takes her to bathroom, brings her back to her
       room, dresses her, wish that she had something other then my old
       clothes to wear to school, brush her hair, sits down with her*
       "Amber, would you like to go to school?"
       "I-I don't know."  *remember him explaining what school was by
       saying that it was where kids went to learn things with other
       kids*  "Am I smart enough to go to school?"
       *I told her, the other day, that I lied about her being stupid
       and helpless, but I don't think she fully believes me, and I
       don't even know if she's smart because I've never given her a
       chance to find out*  "I think so."
       "Can I really go to school with you?"
       "Actually, little kids go to a different school then big kids.
       The other girls will be with you, and of course Horise."  *look
       at Horise, and Amber, and at the clothes she's wearing, and fear
       how the other children will react to her*
       *I-I don't think so.  I scared."
       "I am too."  "*kiss her on her forehead*  "I'll be right back."
       *stomp over to Ms. China*  "Please don't make her.  The other
       children are going to tease her for sure, or worse*
       #Post#: 2850--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: MS.China Date: January 26, 2017, 7:55 am
       She is going Jackson she will be fine all little kids are scared
       their first day of school but when they get there then tend to
       like it so it will be fine
       Looks at watch*
       It's 8:15 so you should go ahead and get going
       Looks out the window I see the bus pulling up go ahead and go
       I'll pick you up though so don't ride the bus back I'll be there
       to pick you up
       #Post#: 2852--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: neigh Date: January 26, 2017, 8:37 am
       "But she's not like the other children."
       Jackson and Amber
       *go downstairs and have breakfast*
       *sees the bus pull up*  "Bye mom."
       *gives Amber and hug and kiss*  "Bye Amber.  I love you.*
       *do what I always do shortly after Jackson has left for school,
       start to cry*
       #Post#: 2853--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: MS.China Date: January 26, 2017, 9:28 am
       Amber why are you crying?
       #Post#: 2854--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: neigh Date: January 26, 2017, 9:58 am
       "Jackson's gone, and he won't be back for a long time."
       #Post#: 2855--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: MS.China Date: January 26, 2017, 9:59 am
       Don't cry
       #Post#: 2856--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: MS.China Date: January 26, 2017, 10:00 am
       Jackson will be back shortly after you get back you are going to
       school too
       #Post#: 2857--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: neigh Date: January 26, 2017, 10:01 am
       "I'm scared, and Horsie is too."  *still crying*
       #Post#: 2858--------------------------------------------------
       Re: First day of school
       By: MS.China Date: January 26, 2017, 10:02 am
       Why are you scared?
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