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       #Post#: 3591--------------------------------------------------
       By: neigh Date: February 28, 2017, 4:30 pm
       *sits Amber down and face her*  "Now Amber you have been getting
       too close to Ms. China and it needs to stop.  From now on you
       are not allowed to do anything that she, or anybody else, says
       without asking me first."
       "But she says that I am not allowed to do that and that she will
       punish me for it."
       "Oh so she'll punish you for doing nothing wrong, like when Mama
       beats you."  *grab her, throw her onto the floor and pin her
       *let out a scream and stop sobbing*
       "Try to get up Amber, or I'll never let you go."
       *squeeze Horsie tightly for comfort, try to get up which results
       in nothing but pain, give up*
       *let her go and grab Horsie*  "You're getting a spanking."
       *let go of Horsie because I know I'll get pinned down again if I
       don't, stand up and face him, scared, tears falling*
       *tuck Horsie under arm, pull Amber's pants and underwear down,
       pick her up*
       #Post#: 3592--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: MS.China Date: March 1, 2017, 12:44 pm
       Hears Amber screams and runs in the room and sees Jackson
       hurting Amber I grab Jackson and pushed him out the room and
       closes the door leaving Amber in the room by herself*
       Looks at jackson* what in the heck is wrong with you? you know
       what? I'll send you away and keep Amber here. *saying this just
       to scare him* I'm gonna call the police and let them know that
       you are hurting your sister they will take you to jail *thinking
       about the jail program that I saw on tv not actually gonna do it
       but is trying to scare him*
       #Post#: 3594--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: ally Date: March 1, 2017, 1:19 pm
       Standing at the end of the hall seeing what Jackson was doing to
       Amber Starts to go in there but mom rushes in before I could as
       soon as I see Jackson i get even more mad at Jackson for what he
       did to Amber I run and jump on Jackson and starts fighting him
       by repeatedly kicking and punching him super hard* STOP BEING
       MEAN TO AMBER YOU STUPID BOY! *starts crying because I'm so mad
       and just keeps punching and kicking him*
       #Post#: 3596--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: Britney Date: March 1, 2017, 1:23 pm
       Hears ally screaming and sees her kicking Jacksons butt*
       Allllyyyyyyyyy what are you doingggg????? *trys to pull ally off
       #Post#: 3597--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: ally Date: March 1, 2017, 1:26 pm
       No! Move Britney! Remember when our dad beat mom that was what
       Jackson was doing to Amber!jackdon was hurting Amber and he
       deserves to be hurt to! *continues crying and hitting*
       #Post#: 3598--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: Britney Date: March 1, 2017, 1:37 pm
       Ok it's okay mommy is fine and Amber is ok...mom saved Amber
       from Jackson...no need to beat Jackson up. ok? just get off him
       tries to get her off again this time managing to get her off of
       Jackson *i hold both of ally's hands* *looks at Jackson you
       should be ashamed of yourself you not supposed to beat on a girl
       especially not your family* *thinks about when dad beat mom
       Infront of us and starts crying but just looks at ally "come on
       ally lets go check on Amber."
       *we walk in and see Amber crying* Amber are you okay?
       #Post#: 3599--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: MS.China Date: March 1, 2017, 1:43 pm
       Stands there completely shocked at what's happening just listens
       to the girls talk about when they dad beat me in front of them I
       didn't even know they remembered that.
       #Post#: 3600--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: neigh Date: March 1, 2017, 4:25 pm
       *sits on the floor, sobbing, hears Horsie call for me and sees
       him laying on the bed where Jackson had put him, crawl over and
       reach up and grab him, pull him down and then hold onto him
       *look terrified and starts crying from what Ms. China said, so
       upset that I don't even fight Ally back, when she gets off I
       just look at Ms. China in terror*
       *look up to see Ally and Bri, still sobbing, "I don't know.  Is
       Jackson in trouble?"
       #Post#: 3602--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: MS.China Date: March 1, 2017, 4:30 pm
       Just stands there for a while finally coming back to reality*
       *looks back at jackson* what you crying for you just hurt your
       own sister you anit got no reason to cry
       #Post#: 3603--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Terror
       By: neigh Date: March 1, 2017, 4:32 pm
       "Please don't send me to jail, or away from Amber at all."
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