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       #Post#: 4436--------------------------------------------------
       I Want Her
       By: neigh Date: June 17, 2017, 5:10 pm
       Jenny's Mother and her Lawyer
       *walk inside*
       Jenny and Amber
       *walk past and see two grown ups*
       "Hello. Do you want to see Ms. China or Ms. Womanize?"
       Jenny's Mother
       "Yes, but I would also like to see Jennifer Whites."
       *nervously* "Um... I'm Jennifer Whites. Who are you?"
       Jenny's Mother
       *smiles* "Hi sweetie. I'm you Mommy."
       "No, no your not. I don't have a Mommy." *getting really scared*
       *sensing her fear and getting scared too*
       Jenny's Mother
       "You do now."
       *yells* "Ms. China."
       #Post#: 4442--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: MS.China Date: July 11, 2017, 11:59 pm
       Walks into the living room and see these two grown people
       confused on how the heck they got im*
       Jenny an amber go upstairs please
       Looks at the grown folk*
       And you are?
       #Post#: 4445--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: neigh Date: July 12, 2017, 12:01 am
       Jenny and Amber
       *run upstairs*
       Jenny's Mother
       "I'm Jenny's mother. I've come for her."
       #Post#: 4448--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: MS.China Date: July 12, 2017, 12:03 am
       And how did you get in the house because I did not let you in
       #Post#: 4456--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: neigh Date: July 12, 2017, 12:23 am
       "My client has no comment at this time."
       *listen from the top of the steps, tremble in fear*
       *hug Jenny*
       #Post#: 4457--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: MS.China Date: July 12, 2017, 2:21 am
       Okay so I'll ask you because obviously you in my house to. How
       did u get in?
       #Post#: 4460--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: neigh Date: July 12, 2017, 7:22 am
       "The front door was locked, but the back door wasn't. Onto more
       important manners. Why is Jenny staying with you, when she could
       be staying with her mother?"
       #Post#: 4463--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: MS.China Date: July 15, 2017, 12:05 pm
       so.... you basically went to my front door saw it was locked
       didn't bother knocking just went to the back door and just
       walked on in uninvited? okay. well I feel that's a violation of
       the law. there are children in this house and I value their
       safety, so I am going to call the police and let them know you
       two just think its a good idea to walk I to someones house. I
       wonder how that's gonna look lawyer
       #Post#: 4470--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: neigh Date: July 15, 2017, 3:27 pm
       "We did knock. No one answered. What right do you have to be
       keeping my clients daughter?"
       #Post#: 4473--------------------------------------------------
       Re: I Want Her
       By: MS.China Date: July 16, 2017, 4:05 pm
       You knocked no one answers so you felt it was ok to enter anyway
       no that's against the law
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