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       #Post#: 6235--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: neigh Date: September 2, 2017, 9:02 am
       *get up, go to the bathroom quickly, and then rush downstairs
       before Amber wakes up* "Ms. China are things going to be ready
       for Amber's birthday tomorrow?"
       #Post#: 6239--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: MS.China Date: September 2, 2017, 9:04 am
       #Post#: 6243--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: neigh Date: September 2, 2017, 9:08 am
       *Andrew's asleep so I go downstairs to ask Ms. China to take
       care of him if he wakes up because I'm going out to the barn,
       sees her and what she appears to be doing* "Is something going
       #Post#: 6245--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: MS.China Date: September 2, 2017, 9:09 am
       Yes. Ambers birthday is tomorrow is she will have a party
       #Post#: 6247--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: neigh Date: September 2, 2017, 9:12 am
       *freeze, wish I had gotten here before yesterday* "I didn't
       know. I didn't get her anything."
       #Post#: 6248--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: MS.China Date: September 2, 2017, 9:13 am
       It's okay some of the kids just made her something so if you
       want to do that you can
       #Post#: 6251--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: neigh Date: September 2, 2017, 9:19 am
       "What does she like?"
       "Her favorite things are horses, princess based fairy tales, and
       "Thanks Jackson. Um... Ms. China while I think about what I'm
       going to make I have to go say check on my horses and feed them
       their grain. Andrews asleep, so can you check on her if you hear
       him wake up?"
       #Post#: 6253--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: MS.China Date: September 2, 2017, 9:22 am
       Okay. I know most of the kids are sleep right now but the party
       decorators  will be here in about 20 minutes so no one will be
       allowed by or in the play room
       I'm gonna tell everyone not to come down this hallway at all
       Allision ms. Womzie was up early this morning and checked on the
       horses and fed all of them there are fine
       #Post#: 6269--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: MS.China Date: September 2, 2017, 9:47 am
       #Post#: 6271--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Ambers Birthday 
       By: Britney Date: September 2, 2017, 9:49 am
       Mommy can I go to Jessica house down the stree
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