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       #Post#: 6173--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: neigh Date: September 1, 2017, 10:53 pm
       *whimpers, scared*
       *gently take Amber's hand*
       #Post#: 6180--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: MS.China Date: September 1, 2017, 10:59 pm
       I decide to get the children an early dismissal today so I go to
       the elementary school first to get the kids the man in the front
       office tells me the majority of my kids are in the office so I
       go in there
       What is going on?
       #Post#: 6185--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: Britney Date: September 1, 2017, 11:07 pm
       When me and Aa'Miya get in trouble for fighting a girl we get
       sent to the office once we get there we see our other sisters
       and mom there too oh boy I think in my head.
       Me and MiYa walk in "Hello"
       #Post#: 6203--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: ally Date: September 1, 2017, 11:20 pm
       Oh well hi Bri  Nice of you to finally join us you and Miya
       Why y'all in here?
       The principal turns to mom and says
       "China, please take all your kids home for the day one of them
       pulled a very serious prank by putting some water on my door and
       making it fall on me. And Aa'Miya and Britney were in a fight
       with a girl.
       #Post#: 6208--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: MS.China Date: September 1, 2017, 11:25 pm
       Really guys??? WHO did the water prank? Somebody better tell me
       right now.
       #Post#: 6212--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: neigh Date: September 1, 2017, 11:28 pm
       *still scared, and don't want to rat her out*
       *try to comfort Amber, not wanting to be a tattle tale*
       #Post#: 6213--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: ally Date: September 1, 2017, 11:29 pm
       Looks at my sisters with the don't tell face*
       Just shrugs my shoulders like I don't know
       #Post#: 6214--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: AaNiya Date: September 1, 2017, 11:30 pm
       Just stays quiet*
       #Post#: 6216--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: Aamiya Date: September 1, 2017, 11:31 pm
       Stays quiet figuring I'm probably in trouble for fighting
       #Post#: 6218--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Pranking the principal 
       By: MS.China Date: September 1, 2017, 11:34 pm
       Looks at all the kids faces and see how they stay quiet*
       Hmmm okay y'all wanna stay quiet? Ok cool. Let's go
       Go get in the car.
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