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       #Post#: 6093--------------------------------------------------
       Another School
       By: Shin-Jones Date: August 31, 2017, 6:08 am
       Nowadays, Dallas doesn't care what school was like.  He used to
       hate going to school just as much as he hated moving from house
       to house.  Before Dallas decided to stick by himself, he would
       find it hard to approach people to make new friends as the boy
       was scared that he'd have to leave again.  He found it tedious.
       By lunchtime, the sun was up and shining warmly.  Dallas was out
       and about looking for a spot to lay down in the sun, away from
       the rowdy students.  He eventually find a spot to his liking
       near the field, under a tree.  The boy sat himself down in the
       shaded area, took off his shoes, and layed his legs in the sun.
       Pressing his back against the ground, Dallas looked up at the
       branches where the sun shone through the leaves.  After a few
       minutes, the kid let out a sigh and mumbled to himself.
       "It's not like I'm going to be here for long anyway."
       "It's not like you're going to where for long?" A voice added
       onto his comment.
       Dallas sat up quickly, looking behind him to see who it was.
       #Post#: 6095--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: AaNiya Date: August 31, 2017, 6:58 am
       where won't you be long and why are you over here by your self?
       #Post#: 6133--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: Shin-Jones Date: September 1, 2017, 9:31 pm
       Dallas laid back down, closing his eyes, putting his hands
       behind his head as he did so.
       "I don't expect to be here at this school, at this home, for
       He took a moment as a calm breeze went by.
       "But the lease I can do is find a way to enjoy things.  By
       myself," he flicked his eyes back open.  "Oh, and you better not
       steal my spot, okay?"
       #Post#: 6136--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: AaNiya Date: September 1, 2017, 9:40 pm
       Well the children that have came so far hasn't left. You will
       stay until you grown
       #Post#: 6140--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: Shin-Jones Date: September 1, 2017, 9:48 pm
       "I guess we'll just have to see how things turn out then."
       #Post#: 6146--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: AaNiya Date: September 1, 2017, 10:02 pm
       Yeah I guess. But I think you gonna like it at the house but
       here's some tips
       My mom is very nice but she can be very strict too. Ms womzie
       she is like the pushover you can get away with A lot with her.
       My mom lets nothing pass. So if you want to do something Kinda
       not the right way go to ma.womzie first
       As far as kids go
       Jenny Amber AaMiya Ally and Bri are my sisters.
       Jenny Amber Amiya and Bri are the nice ones
       Me and Ally are Kinda nice but we can have mean days
       Samuel and Kevin are okay but Samuel is kind of Anti social
       And I don't really know Grace and Nathen yet they kinda just got
       here there never really around so I can't tell you about them
       #Post#: 6149--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: Shin-Jones Date: September 1, 2017, 10:19 pm
       Dallas didn't really know what to say to all of that.
       "Um...  Thank you."  Dallas frowned slightly.  "I guess it is
       good to know that.  Thanks."
       #Post#: 6150--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: AaNiya Date: September 1, 2017, 10:27 pm
       You are welcome
       #Post#: 6179--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: Shin-Jones Date: September 1, 2017, 10:57 pm
       Dallas continued to just lay there with his eyes closed.
       After awhile, he opened one to see if Aa'Niya was still there.
       #Post#: 8972--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Another School
       By: BillBurning Date: June 28, 2018, 2:06 am
       strict too. Ms get away with A lot with her womzie she is like
       the pushover you can