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       #Post#: 6587--------------------------------------------------
       By: neigh Date: September 7, 2017, 2:43 pm
       *lock Amber's bedroom door, and turn to look at her* "Give me
       Horsie, and do not make a sound."
       *shake head*
       "Give me Horsie, or I will go find Jenny and spank her until her
       bottom is bruised*
       *remember how painful that is and how long the pain last when
       it's bruised, give him Horsie, realizing that I would be
       screaming if it were anyone else but Jackson*
       "Now take off your clothes, and hold still, or I will throw
       Horsie against the wall over and over again."
       *quickly strip down*
       *start touching her all over*
       *confused, but mostly scared*
       #Post#: 6590--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: MS.China Date: September 7, 2017, 2:46 pm
       Walks in to tell Amber something then see Jackson touching all
       over her*
       What the entire fuck?
       *pulls Jackson off Amber and pulls him in the hall then gives
       Amber horsie back*
       Put your clothes on amber
       *closes the door looks at Jackson*
       Dude wtf?
       #Post#: 6592--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: neigh Date: September 7, 2017, 2:50 pm
       *hold Horsie close, too upset to move*
       "I can't hold her down to remind her that she's mine anymore, so
       I was imprinting her."
       #Post#: 6594--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: MS.China Date: September 7, 2017, 2:51 pm
       Jackson you about to get a spanking I don't spank kids much but
       today you earned it
       #Post#: 6596--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: neigh Date: September 7, 2017, 2:52 pm
       "I am way too old for a spanking."
       #Post#: 6598--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: MS.China Date: September 7, 2017, 2:54 pm
       Nah you getting one today I haven't even spanked you once since
       you been here and you've done a lot of stuff that you should
       have gotten one but this right here you just messed up
       #Post#: 6599--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: neigh Date: September 7, 2017, 2:54 pm
       "What's so wrong with what I just did?" *cross arms and glare at
       #Post#: 6601--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: MS.China Date: September 7, 2017, 2:56 pm
       Why would you go in there make your sister strip naked and touch
       all over her. Are you a prevert? You do know you can go to jail
       for that right
       #Post#: 6602--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: neigh Date: September 7, 2017, 2:58 pm
       "I remind her that she's mine."
       #Post#: 6604--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Imprinting
       By: MS.China Date: September 7, 2017, 3:01 pm
       Okay she isn't yours. but you are getting a spanking because
       what you just did was very inappropriate okay I just need you to
       understand why you are about to get punished. What you did is a
       very serious offense and if you do that you really could get
       sent to jail or worse you need to learn now that that is not ok
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