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       #Post#: 8571--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: December 14, 2017, 5:47 pm
       I tell u positive stuff all the time. I tell u that u are a good
       mom I tell u that all u need to do is just love Andrew and that
       you have the help and support you need for u to be able to raise
       Andrew right. U are so young that you don't know how to be just
       the best mom in the world yet but that's with all mom's anyway
       no matter how old u are being a mom is all about learning u not
       just gonna know u have to really learn and you have to
       understand it takes multiple people to really raise a child you
       need all the love and support and help you can get and you have
       it you never have to worry about if Andrew is gonna have what he
       needs do you? I provide everything both of u guys need and that
       is a good thing that's supposed and help I tell u that u are a
       good mom I tell u that u do a good job with him
       #Post#: 8574--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: December 14, 2017, 5:54 pm
       "I'm his mom. I shouldn't have help from anyone, except maybe
       his dad."
       #Post#: 8576--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: December 14, 2017, 5:56 pm
       Ok fine I'm gonna stop buying everything I'm gonna take what I
       have bought back and u do u u buy everything if u cry in front
       of him and he cries I'm not saying anything I'm done
       #Post#: 8578--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: December 14, 2017, 5:57 pm
       "Money to buy stuff is supposed to come from Daddies."
       #Post#: 8580--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: December 14, 2017, 5:58 pm
       Ok well how is that gonna happen then?? Exactly how are u gonna
       get money from his dad? Tell me
       #Post#: 8585--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: December 14, 2017, 6:04 pm
       *angry* "I can't. There's no possible way, because my Daddy
       stole him from me." *sob*
       #Post#: 8587--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: December 14, 2017, 6:07 pm
       Well then if there is no possible way you gonna have to figure
       out a way to get him stuff because their are thousands of single
       moms that take care of their kids and ms womzie is one of them
       ms womzie gets stuff for Kevin u don't see him with a dad do u
       but me womzie is grown to u not even old enough to get s job yet
       so what are u going to do? I'm one to u don't see me with a man
       helping me I provide for all y'all with no man sooo
       Miss I don't need help what u gonna do?
       #Post#: 8591--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: December 15, 2017, 9:20 am
       "I really want to not need help."
       #Post#: 8596--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: December 15, 2017, 9:30 am
       I said okay but what are you going to do to not need help?
       Everyone needs help with babies especially young parents. You
       not wanting help is going to affect Andrew negatively it's not
       about you any more it's about Andrew and you need to get that
       through your head. If I stopped helping you like you want me to
       then what's going to happen to andrew
       #Post#: 8598--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: December 15, 2017, 9:33 am
       "A good mother wouldn't need help."
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