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       #Post#: 8636--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: December 16, 2017, 11:02 pm
       *takes the knife from her* really?
       #Post#: 8638--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: December 16, 2017, 11:06 pm
       *look at my now bleeding wrist, and up at her with tear filled
       eyes, wonder what she was expecting*
       #Post#: 8641--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: December 16, 2017, 11:09 pm
       Girl now I gotta take you to the dang hospital so they can fix
       whatever u just did. U have to realize you are not a baby
       anymore u are a mother no i was not gonna really let no body
       come get Andrew I was hoping u would say no I'll start being
       more positive for my child I was gonna say ok then that's good
       but u rather come in here and try to cut yourself and leave
       Andrew all alone cuz if u die how will Andrew have a mom? Kinda
       selfish isn't it? Give me this *tales her arm cleans it off and
       stops the blood and then wraps it with the appropriate bandages*
       #Post#: 8648--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: December 17, 2017, 1:03 pm
       *don't try to defend myself, or say anything*
       #Post#: 8653--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: Shin-Jones Date: December 19, 2017, 1:16 am
       Marcello came rushing in, trying to not seem like he was in a
       "Hi, one of the kids said something was up and - " Marcello
       looked at Alison's arm.  Shock washed over the man's face but he
       tried to keep his cool.  "Holy - I'm going to be honest, I
       nearly swore there.  Um, yea, Ms China, I have to report this
       and this ain't gonna look good on the papers."
       #Post#: 8683--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: January 4, 2018, 4:05 pm
       *look down, sure I'm in big trouble, wonder what Marcello's
       talking about*
       #Post#: 8767--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: March 29, 2018, 2:26 pm
       Looks at marcello as I’m caring for Alison’s arm* Dude don’t you
       see I’m trying to make sure she is fine I have to take her to
       the hospital since she decided to cut her self up. Now do you
       need to tell me something before I leave or not?
       #Post#: 8804--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: March 29, 2018, 5:51 pm
       *still stay silent, but wonder how getting angry could be making
       sure I'm fine*
       #Post#: 8814--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: March 29, 2018, 6:07 pm
       Rolls my eyes* never mind if you need me just call me come on
       Allison you should be fine until we get to the hospital iv
       stopped the bleeding cleaned it and wrapped it the proper way
       they will look at it and see if anything further needs to be
       #Post#: 8817--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: March 29, 2018, 6:14 pm
       "Is there really nobody taking Andrew away?"
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