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       #Post#: 8933--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: May 5, 2018, 2:37 pm
       Girl you have to learn. Stop making excuses and accept the help
       be Happy you have someone that actually cares about you both
       #Post#: 8935--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: May 5, 2018, 2:39 pm
       "My brother cared about me."
       #Post#: 8940--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: MS.China Date: May 5, 2018, 2:45 pm
       Yeah yeah. But im talking bout a responsibile adult who will
       guide you and actually teach you how to take care of this child
       I love Andrew and I’m nit willing to let anything bad happen to
       him so u gonna have to get with the program and be open to
       #Post#: 8953--------------------------------------------------
       Re: My Niece? 
       By: neigh Date: May 5, 2018, 5:07 pm
       "My mother was teaching me how to take care of him when I was
       pregnant. There's just so much she hadn't gotten too."
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