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       #Post#: 8266--------------------------------------------------
       China's background (repost)
       By: MS.China Date: December 13, 2017, 4:02 am
       Ms. China's Background and personality.
       When Miss China was little she was abused by her birth mother,
       she was neglected and had to live on the street for one year of
       her life she was only 12 years old
       until one day a lady found her and asked her why was she in a
       box? she responded to the lady by saying my mother kicked me out
       of the house I have been living out here for a year and I'm only
       12 years old.
       so the lady called Child protective services and got China
       placed in a Foster care agency she was in foster care until the
       age of 17 she got bounced around from house to house because a
       lot of people abused her. by the age of 18 she got kicked out of
       the foster system and had no help so she winded up living on the
       street again.
       She got a job at the age of 19 working in a fast food restaurant
       she saved her money and finally got her apartment at the at the
       age of 19 still just a few months after she got her job so she
       was no longer in the street she wanted to do something better
       with her life, so she went to the bank and got a loan. she
       started to build a home. Her idea for the home was to let other
       children be able to live there that had nowhere to go.
       so she build this big big house and so she went  to see what
       would it be like to become a foster parent. Once she got to the
       agency she applied to be a foster parent but she was denied they
       said it was because of her background
       China did not let that stop her she knew that it had to be some
       way for her to help children and be able to take care of them.
       she worked for another 10 years and saved money to build her
       OWN Foster care agency's/adoption agency.
       So now at the age of 29 years old China is now the founder of
       her own foster care and adoption agency. people work under her
       She is the top boss of everything that happens. If it's a
       problem her employed go to her she makes all final Decisions for
       the company. kids now have a home to live at if they have
       nowhere to go.
       China loves children and would do anything for them. She is a
       multi billionaire who just wants to help kids just grow up and
       know that they are loved.
       China did not ever have love Growing up so she tries her best to
       show the kids that she loves them but also knows they need a
       firm environment that shows she's not gonna let them just do
       whatever they want to do that will follow her rules and they
       will do what they are supposed to do and what they are expected
       to do.
       this is why China is very strict when it comes to following
       rules she believes that all children are worth something and she
       will not let children fall through the cracks by not doing what
       they're supposed to do.
       She believes it all starts at a young age, you have to learn to
       follow rules do what you're supposed to do... that way you can
       get ahead in life and be what you are supposed to be what you
       are destined to be.