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       #Post#: 8384--------------------------------------------------
       Ms. Womzie amd Kevin's Background
       By: neigh Date: December 13, 2017, 9:24 am
       Ms. Womzie was very happy until her mother was murdered. Her dad
       and her horse helped her, but she could not stop missing her
       When she was seventeen, she was severally beaten and gang raped.
       She was so scared that she wouldn’t leave her father’s property
       for over a year. During which, she was pregnant and had a Kevin.
       Kevin was raised by her mother and grandfather, who were both
       very protective. Growing up, he observed that his grandfather,
       who he really looked up to, tended to cuddle his mother a lot.
       Over the years, Ms. Womzie has mostly gotten over her fear of
       large well-muscled men, but not completely. She has observed
       that Kevin is big and well-muscled for his age.