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       #Post#: 8688--------------------------------------------------
       Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: neigh Date: January 7, 2018, 2:35 pm
       Boy #1 and Boy #2
       *huddle together, talking*
       *go and meet up my two friends who I usually play with at
       Boy #1 and Boy #2
       *turn to Jenny*
       Boy #1
       "Jenny, after you stopped carrying that dumb bear around with
       you everywhere, you were really cool, for a girl. Now you've
       started doing it again, and it's really embarrassing to be seen
       with you."
       Boy #2
       "More importantly, your suddenly became sad all of the time and
       your not any fun anymore."
       "I-I'm sorry. I'll try to be more fun."
       Boy #1
       "And not a sissy wimp, like you've become."
       *nod, sadly*
       Boy #2
       "Give me Pooh, and we'll see if you're really going back to not
       being a sissy wimp."
       *start to hand him Pooh, but then pull him away and hold him
       Boy #1 and Boy #2
       *look at her in disgust, turn and walk away*
       *stand there, crying*
       #Post#: 8715--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: Shin-Jones Date: January 30, 2018, 10:50 pm
       Dallas had been walking around the school grounds.  Hearing a
       familiar voice, he decides to go see what's up.  The boy made
       way for some kids that were walking past and then he saw Jenny
       standing there, crying.  For a moment, his eyes widened.  Dallas
       walked over to the girl.
       "Are you okay?"  Dallas asked, stroking her hair once.
       #Post#: 8717--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: neigh Date: February 1, 2018, 10:54 pm
       *through tears* "No. My friends don't want to be my friends
       anymore. They said I'm a sissy wimp and I'm not fun anymore, and
       they're right."
       #Post#: 8718--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: Shin-Jones Date: February 1, 2018, 11:46 pm
       "What makes you think they're right?"  He asked.
       #Post#: 8719--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: neigh Date: February 4, 2018, 10:04 am
       "I can't go anywhere without Pooh, and I'm usually sad."
       #Post#: 8721--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: Shin-Jones Date: February 6, 2018, 1:56 am
       "What's wrong with that?  You're going through some stuff at
       the moment and when you think it's time to put Pooh down and
       stand on your own two feet, you will.  Things just take their
       times."  Dallas paused.  "Who needs friends that say mean things
       about you anyway?"
       #Post#: 8724--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: neigh Date: February 16, 2018, 5:04 pm
       "Well they've never things like that to me before."
       #Post#: 8727--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: Shin-Jones Date: February 19, 2018, 2:19 am
       "And it's disappointing that it happened."  Dallas paused.
       "Do you...  Want a hug...  Or something??"
       #Post#: 8731--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: neigh Date: February 22, 2018, 9:30 am
       *nod, looking down at the ground*
       #Post#: 8734--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Friend Breakup (redo)
       By: Shin-Jones Date: February 24, 2018, 12:16 am
       Dallas extends his arms before wrapping them gently around
       Jenny, leaning his head atop of hers.  He rubs her back.
       "There's nothing wrong with carrying Pooh around...  As I said
       before, when you're ready to put him down, you will."
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