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       #Post#: 8739--------------------------------------------------
       The Punch
       By: neigh Date: March 4, 2018, 3:18 pm
       *sit at desk, in my fifth grade classroom, working on
       assignment, with Snowflake in my lap*
       *approach Lily* “So what makes you so special that you get to
       bring your dog to school?”
       *point to his vest, which says that he’s an Emotional Support
       “Oh, right. You have mental problems. Is there a point to you
       even going to school?”
       *look down, hugging Snow*
       *notice that it looks like Lily’s being harassed, get up and go
       to her*
       “What do you want Lizard Boy?”
       “Sally is a gecko, now leave Lily alone.”
       *shocked that someone would even try to defend me*
       “What are you going to do? Punch me?”
       “Sure.” *punch her in the face*
       Lily and Samuel
       *sit in office, while she gets her eye looked at*
       “Than-thank you.”
       “No problem. It was kind of fun, getting to punch her.” *smile
       at her*
       *smile back*
       *call Samuel and Lily's home, and tell them what happened*
       #Post#: 8742--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: Shin-Jones Date: March 5, 2018, 1:07 pm
       Marcello rushed over the to the school as soon as he could.
       Before bursting into the office, he stopped to catch his breath.
       The man tidied himself up quickly and walked in calmly.  As
       soon as Marcello entered the office, he saw Samuel and Lily.  He
       went up to them, kneeling in front of the two kids.
       "You two okay?"  He asked.
       #Post#: 8745--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: neigh Date: March 5, 2018, 5:51 pm
       Lily and Samuel
       "Am I in trouble?"
       #Post#: 8749--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: Shin-Jones Date: March 12, 2018, 3:26 am
       Marcello heaves out a sigh of relief.
       "Well, you might be with the kid's parents and perhaps with Ms
       China," he smiles before continuing, "but not with me."
       He pats the heads of the two kids.
       "It's good that you stood up for Lily, Samuel.  Punching the
       kid in the face may've not have been the best choice but you had
       good intentions and that's what matters the most."
       #Post#: 8752--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: neigh Date: March 14, 2018, 11:33 am
       "I didn't know what else to do."
       "I'm sorry I'm so weak that I couldn't defend myself."
       #Post#: 8754--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: Shin-Jones Date: March 14, 2018, 8:25 pm
       "You just need a bit of courage is all.  Okay, now I'm going
       to quickly talk to the secretary."
       Marcello walks up to the desk and talks to the secretary and
       Dallas walks in.  Marcello doesn't notice.
       "Oh, hey, you two."  Dallas says to the two young ones.
       #Post#: 8756--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: neigh Date: March 27, 2018, 4:53 pm
       "What do you want?"
       #Post#: 8759--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: Shin-Jones Date: March 27, 2018, 11:45 pm
       "I was asked to take something to the office for the teacher.
       Why are you two here?"  He questioned.
       #Post#: 8762--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: neigh Date: March 28, 2018, 6:48 am
       "Because I punched someone."
       "And I'm a wimp."
       #Post#: 8764--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Punch
       By: Shin-Jones Date: March 28, 2018, 5:39 pm
       "Oohhhh...  Kayyy."  He said, not knowing what to say.  "For
       good reason, I'm guessing."
       Dallas goes to turn, seeing Marcello walking back to the group.
       "Oh, hey, kiddo.  How's your classes going so far?"  Mr Oz,
       Marcello, asked.
       "They're fine.  Yea."  The boy responded.
       "Good, good."  He turns to the younger two.  "Okay, so I've
       gotten permission from the staff to take the two of you home if
       necessary so what do you guys think?"
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