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       #Post#: 8966--------------------------------------------------
       Nightmare and Wetting
       By: neigh Date: June 11, 2018, 9:02 am
       Amber and Jackson’s Nightmare
       Amber and Jackson
       *follow Mama into the room she just redecorated, on Amber's
       Mrs. Fletching
       “This is the new punishment room, for Amber. It was so wrong of
       her to be born, that she should be getting punished for it, so
       today she will.” *grab Amber, plop her down on the hard table,
       grab rope and tie her arms and legs together.” *for the first
       time ever, try to grab Horsie from her*
       *grip Horsie tightly*
       “Amber let go, or it will be even worse.”
       *let go*
       Mrs. Fletching
       *start to put Horsie on a high shelf*
       “May I hold him?”
       Mrs. Fletching
       *give Horsie to Jackson, pull Amber’s pants down, toss Amber
       over a bar, pick up big shot needle and show it to her* “This is
       going to go into your bottom ten times, and then you’re going to
       get ten spanks.”
       “But Mama, she only just turned three years old”
       Mrs. Fletching
       “It’s never too early, when you have a child who is a useless
       piece of ****.” *start repeatedly poking the needle into her
       bottom, holding it in for several seconds each time, and yelling
       at her for being a useless piece of **** and a bad girl*
       *sob, harder than ever before*
       *watch helplessly, clutching Horsie for comfort*
       Jackson’s Nightmare
       Mrs. Fletching
       *after ten pokes and 8 spanks with the belt, pick on Jackson and
       take him far to where Amber shouldn’t be able to hear* “You have
       a choice. You may go in there, call Amber a useless piece of
       ****, and give her her last two spanks with the whip, unless you
       don’t do it hard enough, in which case I will tap my foot and
       you’ll have to give her another one. Afterwards, you may never
       tell her why you did it. Or I could give Amber twelve more
       “I’ll give Amber two spanks.”
       Mrs. Fletching
       *hand Jackson the belt*
       Amber and Jackson’s Nightmare
       Mrs. Fletching and Jackson
       *go back into the room, in front of Amber*
       Mrs. Fletching
       “Look who’s going to give you your last two spanks.”
       *cry even harder than before, wondering why he’s betraying me,
       and fearing this might mean that Jackson doesn’t love me
       “You’re a useless piece of ****.” *hit Amber bruised and welted
       bottom, twice, with the belt*
       Mrs. Fletching
       *tap foot*
       *hit her again, this time as hard as I can*
       Amber and Jackson
       *wake up, wet, after a nightmare which was something that
       *clutch Horsie and go to Jackson’s room* “I wet the bed.”
       “So did I.” *pick up Amber and carry her to the boys bathroom*
       “Take off your pajama’s.” *start getting undressed*
       *get undressed*
       *pick up Amber, go into the tub* “Wrap your arms around me and
       hold Horsie behind my back*
       *do as I’m told*
       *start spraying down me and Amber*
       #Post#: 8981--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Nightmare and Wetting
       By: Alogzasud Date: October 8, 2018, 11:46 pm
       I have a lot of knowledge.