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       #Post#: 23--------------------------------------------------
         Welcome to ClubMom
       By: Margie21 Date: November 17, 2021, 12:57 am
       Topics such as celebrity gossip, parenting dilemmas (and
       solutions), current events, and home decorating. ClubMom is a
       fun, safe place for moms to connect and be themselves! A
       community where moms can ask questions, give advice and share
       personal experiences, covering issues from fashion to work.
       ClubMom will fill a void and a need. Being a mother can be
       isolating. Every single mother can be  overwhelmed, conflicted
       about whether they are doing the best they can, and need an
       outlet to communicate and commiserate. ClubMom is a community
       where moms come together to get advice and support on topics
       like pregnancy, health, fashion, food, entertainment, and more.
       Make yourself at home. We welcome everyone who would
       like to join us.
       Pregnancy, Trying to conceive &
       Parenting Forum
       Our community is dedicated to offering a friendly environment in
       which to chat about all things family related. Whether you are
       planning for your first or expecting another baby, you will
       always find like minded members to talk and make friends with.
       Look though our numerous subject specific forums or feel free
       post about anything you want to chat about. Join the community
       by Registering and don't forget to Introduce Yourself so we can
       all get to know you.
       Trying To Conceive
       Are you planning a baby or extending your family but not quite
       ready due to education, work, housing or other reasons? Talk
       with others 'Waiting to try' for a baby!
       Are you expecting?  When  are you due? Talk to other members
       regardless of which trimester pregnancy forum you use. Share
       your dues dates, symptoms, and offer advice. Not pregnant yet
       but have a question? Ask away!
       The first few months after giving birth can be precious yet
       tiring. Bonding, sleep and developments through the first stage
       of your baby's life helpful tips are found here. Get advice on
       all things related to breastfeeding. You will find  advice on
       breastfeeding, expressing, milk storage, or just need moral
       Formula Feeding tips about making up bottles, sterilizing,
       bottle and milk brands for your bottle fed newborn are here.
       Announce the arrival of your little bundle(s) and when you get a
       moment share your birth story with others. Congratulations!
       Toddlers, Kids & Teenagers, Natural Parenting, Single Parents,
       Teen Parents, Step Kids, Multiples, Special Needs
       Fashion And Beauty
       Home And Garden
       Decorating  For the Holidays, Money Saving Tips, Weight Loss
       Covid 19 The Coronavirus Outbreak
       Discuss the outbreak of COVID 19 both generally and as it
       relates to Pregnancy and Family
       Introduce Yourself
       Welcome to ClubMom. Come and introduce yourself so we can
       welcome you and get to know you more. We hope you enjoy your
       membership here.
       Technical Support
       Having some difficulty using the forum or any of its features?
       Please let us know so we can help you or correct the problem.
       BFP Announcements
       Share your good news with everyone! This forum is dedicated to
       announcing your pregnancy. Please restrict your BFP
       announcements to this section only.
       TTC Buddies
       Speak to other members who are cycling around the same time, in
       the 2ww, team up, make new friends and share your journey on a
       one to one, or together as a group.
       Assisted Conception
       IVF, IUI, egg share, surrogacy, sperm donor. Coping with
       infertility and the journey through fertility treatment can
       leave you with lots of mixed emotions. Talk to others who can
       share these times with you.
       Long Term Trying To Conceive
       Problems TTC? Share your journeys with other ladies, giving and
       receiving emotional support with others in a similar situation
       to you.
       TTC After A Loss
       Trying to conceive after the loss of a pregnancy or child can be
       a very uncertain time. Find support and friendship from others
       and talk about the ups and downs of trying again.
       Trying To Conceive Over 35
       Trying to get pregnant over the age of 35 comes with its own
       unique issues. Take a breather from the bustle of the regular
       TTC forum and chat with others who are trying for a baby later
       in life.
       Two Week Wait
       In post ovulation limbo? You have done all you can this month,
       it's time to let nature to take its course. While away your time
       by symptom spotting and sharing your two week wait survival
       Trying To Conceive
       Trying to conceive your first or doing it again? Discuss trying
       to get pregnant, ovulation and fertility issues. Share and seek
       advice through your TTC journey with others.
       Waiting To Try
       Are you planning a baby or extending your family but not quite
       ready due to education, work, housing or other reasons? Talk
       with others 'Waiting to try' for a baby!
       Baby Names
       Need ideas for baby names? Can't think of that perfect name for
       your new arrival? Chat, post shortlists and create polls about
       all things related to baby names.
       Teen Pregnancy
       Young and pregnant? Come and talk to other teen mothers-to-be
       and helpful adults who can give support and advice on issues
       relating to teen pregnancy.
       Home & Natural Birthing
       Join other members considering a natural and/or home birth. From
       hypnobirthing and hypnosis to planning a water or lotus birth.
       Use this forum to get advice and discuss your unmedicated
       delivery plans.
       Caesarean Section
       A caesarean is a surgical procedure often performed when mother
       or child are at risk. Talk to others about your c-section and
       recovery after little one arrives safely into the world.
       Labor & Birth
       Discuss labor and make birth plans in preparation for your big
       day. Want to know what to pack in your hospital bag, types of
       pain relief or birth options? This forum is to talk about labour
       and birth.
       Pregnancy After A Loss
       A place for those who are pregnant again after suffering a loss.
       Use this pregnancy forum to talk to others who can support you
       through a time of emotional uncertainty and help you stay
       Pregnancy Over 35
       Support forum for those who are pregnant and 35 or over. No
       matter if this is your first or last family addition, if you are
       35 years old plus, meet and chat with other mature
       Gender Disappointment
       Gender disappointment can be a sad, dark and depressing time
       that many will not understand. Talk to others who have or are
       currently going through the same as you.
       Gender Prediction
       Are you having a girl or a boy? Talk about all the old wives
       tales, fun gender prediction tests and share your scan pictures
       to see what others think.
       Gestational Complications
       Expectant mothers can sometimes experience problems during
       pregnancy. This forum is here for support, to get advice and
       chat with other members about anything related to pregnancy
       Pregnancy Club
       The pregnancy club is a place to talk to other members
       regardless of which trimester pregnancy forum you use. Share
       your dues dates, symptoms, and offer advice. Not pregnant yet
       but have a question? Ask away!
       Pregnancy - Third Trimester
       27 weeks > Birth - Worried about the birth? Wondering about pain
       relief? Share your worries and expectations in the third
       trimester pregnancy forum on the final 3 months of your magical
       Pregnancy - Second Trimester
       14 > 26 weeks – The morning sickness has gone and the bump is
       growing. In the second trimester pregnancy forum you can talk to
       others and seek advice from maternity wear to what to expect
       over the coming weeks.
       Pregnancy - First Trimester
       Conception > 13 weeks - Congratulations you are expecting. Join
       our first trimester pregnancy forum, put your feet up and start
       sharing your wonderful journey with others who are expecting.
       Stillbirth, Neonatal Loss & SIDS
       For parents who have been affected by stillbirth, neonatal or
       SIDS. Share your stories, talk to other supporting parents who
       understand and create diaries of your precious ones missed.
       Second Trimester Losses
       Experiencing a loss in the second trimester is no easy trial.
       This forum is a place to talk and get support during this
       difficult time.
       Miscarriage Support
       A support forum to talk and ask advice about your losses and
       Premature & NICU Babies
       Having a premature or poor baby can be a very scary and
       emotional time. Here members can offer each other support,
       advice and share experiences.
       Postnatal Support
       Chat and get advice about postnatal issues (Healing, PND,
       checkups etc).
       Birth Stories & Announcements
       Announce the arrival of your little bundle(s) and when you get a
       moment share your birth story with others. Congratulations!
       Weaning & Nutrition
       Worried about weaning? Need tips on nutrition? From homemade
       baby food to fussy eaters, chat about your food time routines
       Formula Feeding
       A forum dedicated to Formula Feeds. Post here to get advice and
       chat with others about making up bottles, sterilizing, bottle
       and milk brands, or if you just need moral support.
       Chat and get advice on all things related to breastfeeding. Post
       here for tips and advice on breastfeeding, expressing, milk
       storage, or if you just need moral support.
       Baby Club
       The first few months after giving birth can be precious yet
       tiring. Talk to others about bonding, sleep and developments
       through the first stage of your baby's life. Come join our baby
       Whether you are trying to get pregnant, raising babies, toddlers
       or big kids, we've got real mom parenting advice and tips for
       TTC, Baby, toddler, elementary, tween and teen as well as
       special needs are in order in this folder.
       Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy
       This forum is dedicated to anyone involved in adoption,
       fostering and surrogacy. Discuss, advise and share with others
       who understand and are going through this scary yet exciting
       Special Needs Support
       Parenting a child with special needs can have its own unique
       challenges and rewards. This forum is for sharing support with
       others that are affected by Behavior Disorders, Physical
       Handicaps or Learning Disabilities.
       Same Sex Parenting
       From pregnancy to parenting, chat for same sex couples. Talk to
       and share your journey with other fellow members who understand.
       Twins, Triplets & Multiples
       For parents or those pregnant with multiples. I'm sure you have
       many questions. What pram should you buy, feeding, and
       separating your time? Chat, get advice and share experiences
       with others.
       Teenage Parenting
       Having a baby at a young age has its own hurdles to cross. In
       this forum you can chat with other young parents as well as get
       support and advice from older members that started their family
       as a teen.
       Single Parents
       Support for parents that are going it alone. Single parenting
       can bring many ups and downs, trying and emotional times. Talk
       with others who are bringing up children on their own.
       Natural Parenting
       A place to talk about co-sleeping, baby wearing, attachment
       parenting, cloth nappy/diapering, home grown food, holistic
       approaches to health and other native methods used in your
       parenting journey.
       Toddler & Pre-School
       You now have a toddler keeping you on your toes. New character
       traits develop and you start dealing with tantrums and potty
       training. Talk to other toddler parents, ask and share advice.
       Bride & Beyond
       Wedding Planning and Newly Weds forum. Discuss your wedding day
       plans; get ideas and inspiration for themes, venues and
       honeymoon locations. Chat with others about life as a newly
       married couple.
       Work & Finance
       Discuss money matters, maternity pay, benefits, rights and
       entitlements. Working while pregnant or thinking about going
       back to work? Ask any related questions here.
       Dieting, Weight Loss & Fitness
       Discuss weight, dieting and exercise tips, ideas and share
       advice with other members. Use this forum for healthy eating,
       diet and fitness support.
       Your Health & Wellbeing
       The health of you and your family is very important. Discuss
       health issues in this forum. Smoking, doctors appointments,
       natural remedies and general wellbeing.
       Complete Families
       This forum is for families who are not planning to have more
       children. Whether it is out of choice, for medical reasons or
       finances this is the place to talk to other parents who are in a
       similar situation.
       Home Life & Relationships
       Family and home life can sometimes be hectic. Let off some steam
       and seek some friendly advice from others. Threads made in this
       forum are not viewable to guests.
       Home & Garden Your DVR is permanently set to record every home
       improvement show out there and you can't stop obsessing about
       the new eye-catching things you want for your home. Whether it's
       DIY or a cool new product, you'll find it here.
       Entertainment: We all deserve a little entertainment in our
       lives. From celebrities to TV and movies, we're your one-stop
       shop for all things entertainment.
       Current Events and Hot Topics NEWS From viral and trending
       stories to breaking parenting news, these are the hot stories
       moms are talking about.
       Beauty & Style Looking good is important to you, though you may
       not always have the time to put yourself as together as you'd
       like. Here you'll find quick tips, cool new products, and
       fashion you can afford.
       Recipe For Busy Moms We love cooking and entertaining, but who
       has the time? Here you'll find great family friendly recipes,
       fun kitchen gadgets, party tips for the adults in the house -
       and the drinks to go along with them!
       Craft Cafe:  crafts to Make at Home With the Kids
       Healthy Weight Loss: HEALTH Living a healthy life isn't just
       about eating right and exercising... though those things are, of
       course, important. It's also about being able to deal with
       life's every day stresses in a way that allows you to live
       Smarter Living: Finance can be a tricky subject to navigate,
       especially when trying to stick to a budget. From advice to
       tricks and helpful tips, we are here to make finances less of a
       Cleaning & Organizing: Tips, tricks and hacks for cleaning,
       organization and declutter.
       Celebrations & Birthdays Who doesn't love celebrations and
       birthdays? We'll help make all of your celebrations and
       birthdays occasions to remember.
       General Chatter
       This forum is for anything you might want to talk about but
       can't find a forum for! What did you get up to today? Got much
       planned on the weekend? Get chatting!
       Santa's Grotto
       Yes it's that time of year again. Love it or loathe it, spread a
       little merriment and countdown to Christmas with your friends.
       Chat away about all things Christmas in here.
       Just For Fun
       Games, jokes, fun and frolics. Kick back and enjoy the lighter
       side of clubMom
       the spotlight,  In the kitchen, Pure Goodness Daily, Parenting
       Positive kids, Mad Life, Smarter Living, Parents Approved
       Welcome To The Meeting Place For Moms
       Come in and join the conversations.  Join a group. Ask a
       question.  Have some fun!
       All kinds of moms are talking about
       Every mom has questions about her kids,
       Got 5 minutes?
       everything under the sun!
       relationships and her life!
       Get the latest on today's news and events
       mom's perspectives.
       Personal Stories, support, current events, drama             Ask
       your questions and get advice from a diverse
       Meets moms your same age with kids the same age.       Check out
       the best answers for hundreds of the
       Play online Games
       Find Moms with the same interests!
       most commonly asked questions.
       Drop into a group and enjoy the banter.
       Get in on the conversations, join now!
       Need advice? Join Now!