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       #Post#: 25--------------------------------------------------
        Announcing Your Pregnancy! 
       By: Margie21 Date: November 17, 2021, 12:59 am
       Sharing the news of your pregnancy can be a lot of fun
       Announcing Your Pregnancy!
       Sharing the news of your pregnancy can be a lot of fun!
       Here are some ideas on HOW to let others know you're pregnant:
       Buy a special gift that gives it away like a toy or shirt that
       says, dad, grandma or grandpa on it
       If you have children already, have them wear an "I'm the big
       sister/brother' shirt
       Give them a pink and a blue balloon and let them guess
       Leave a baby name book or parenting magazines around the house
       Drop hints or leave clues like scattering baby related items
       around the house
       No matter how you end up sharing the big announcement, try to be
       there so you can witness the surprised reactions and take some
       pictures, too!