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       #Post#: 74--------------------------------------------------
       Tips on Raising Step Kids - Discipline, Boundaries, & More..
       By: Margie21 Date: November 17, 2021, 9:35 am
       Here are some tips from the moms in this group:
       Put the child's needs first
       Don't talk negatively about either birth parent
       Try to minimize tension and aggression
       Be creative with visitation when it comes to friends, activities
       and holidays
       Consider your position (are you custodial stepmom, co-parenting
       with a birth mom or something else) and support the bio-parents
       Let your spouse take the lead
       Pick your battles; be positive, calm, cool and collected
       Be accommodating and not authoritative
       Stand up for yourself
       Put the child's needs first
       It's ok to share events with the birth mom
       Call the kids on holidays/birthdays
       Make traditions, create new holidays
       Spend time on neutral ground
       Ask the kids for ideas