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       #Post#: 29215--------------------------------------------------
       Story snippets from the Talan chronicles 
       By: WhistlewindWolf Date: May 15, 2016, 1:32 am
       Exactly what it says on the tin
       Stories will be unordered, but will be labeled to whichever arc
       it takes place in.
       #Post#: 29238--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Story snippets from the Talan chronicles 
       By: WhistlewindWolf Date: May 16, 2016, 12:09 am
       Don't Say Goodbye - York and Carolina - The Emperor's Wrath
       The evacuation plans were nearly complete.
       "York, I need you to take Allie with you and go with everyone
       York heaved the last of the food crates onto the waiting wagon
       and looked at Carolina. "And what are you going to do?" She
       didn't answer, only turning to look at the Emperor that could be
       seen on the horizon. He followed her gaze and said, "Carolina,
       "The Leaders and the rest of the clan need to be protected on
       the way out," she said. "I'm trusting you to be able to take
       care of all of them."
       He protested, "There aren't enough of us for it. Lightning,
       Kain, Suryako, and Lorica are great, but Allison and I won't
       make much of a difference. The clan is too big now. We need
       It was true that the evacuation party needed a bigger guard. But
       the soldiers who stayed behind to delay the Emperor needed a
       leader. And she needed to keep what was left of her family safe.
       If that meant facing the Emperor, she would do it without a
       second thought.
       "York, I can't--"
       "Damn it 'Lina, I can't lose you again!" Carolina paused and
       York continued, "Please...not again. It was hard enough thinking
       I'd lost you the first time. I don't want to actually lose you
       this time." She stood there thinking, and he desperately hoped
       that she would leave with them, that it wouldn't be a repeat of
       the destruction of their last clan, that she wouldn't be left to
       die alone again.
       "I need to make sure that my family is safe," she started. The
       pain in her eyes was one that he recognized and felt tearing him
       apart. "And that includes my team. I have to stay. I'm sorry."
       Defeated, he sighed. "Will you promise me something?"
       "Promise me that with every choice you make, you'll think of
       Allie and me." He took off his necklace, holding it out for her.
       She took off her own and they traded with a nod. His gold
       pendant glittered against her feathers, and her jade one laid
       smooth against his. Something to remember each other by. "I love
       you," he said. "Stay safe."
       "I love you too." She flashed him an exasperated but fond smile.
       "And don't worry," she said. "You'll see me again." And she was
       gone, off to join the other soldiers.
       York felt his heart freeze and his blood turn to ice. He'd heard
       those words before, he knew where they came from. They haunted
       Carolina for years. They were the last words Carolina's mother
       said to her. And hearing them from her only meant one thing.
       Carolina didn't plan on coming back.
       I bought them because I wanted them to have a happier ending
       than in canon but I'm slating her for death and I never meant
       for it to be this way
       #Post#: 29742--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Story snippets from the Talan chronicles 
       By: WhistlewindWolf Date: July 28, 2016, 6:59 pm
       The Binding - Althea - The Emperor's Wrath
       "Althea, are you sure about this? To bind it to your pearl...to
       your soul... There has to be another way."
       She shook her head. "There is no other way. If I don't do this,
       then the sacrifices of everyone we lost will be for nothing. As
       a spirit walker, I am the only one who can do this."
       Iolite sighed resignedly. "All right then. Are you ready?"
       "It was my idea," Althea answered.
       "Begin the ritual."
       "Remember me."
       #Post#: 30085--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Story snippets from the Talan chronicles 
       By: WhistlewindWolf Date: November 22, 2016, 12:47 pm
       Reunion - York, Mahal, Carolina - The Arcane Exodus
       The recruits groaned as York made them run through their drills
       again. After the news of Carolina's death, he changed
       drastically. He became harsher, angrier, demanding more and more
       of himself and his trainees. The only ones he showed any care to
       were Allison and young Bellatora. Losing Carolina a second time
       broke something within him, and nobody thought the hurt would
       ever be healed. They understood, though. None of them were
       strangers to loss and York loved Carolina so deeply that their
       relationship was one of the most admired in the clan.
       York watched the recruits run through their drills when he heard
       someone calling his name and fast approaching. Turning, he saw
       Mahal flying toward him, yelling, "York! York! You have to see
       He wearily asked, "What is it, Mahal? I'm in the middle of
       Mahal started speaking so quickly he couldn't make out half of
       what she said, but in the middle of it he clearly made out a
       "Carolina" and--no. It couldn't be possible.
       "What?" He turned fully to face Mahal, his good Lightning eye
       staring intensely into hers. The recruits forgotten, he growled,
       "What did you just say about Carolina?"
       She breathlessly replied, "Lorica and the sentries came in, and
       they had her! It was her, York! She's in the infirmary--"
       A flicker of hope he thought he would never feel again bloomed
       in his chest. He took off without another word, leaving behind
       Mahal with a squad of confused recruits. She went after him a
       moment later.
       York landed outside the new infirmary, where someone led him to
       her. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was her. It was really
       her. She kept her promise. She came back. She was alive, and she
       was here. York started to laugh, short and disbelieving. Then as
       he took in her condition, the tears came. Unconscious, with
       splinted bones and bandaged wounds, magical burns and singed
       scales. It was bad, and the thought that she had come this far
       only to die here came unbidden. The spark of hope sputtered, but
       stayed alive, and he stayed next to her, waiting. Carolina was
       too strong to die here. And he was going to be with her until
       she woke up.
       York heard someone enter behind him. Mahal. "York..."
       "I'm not leaving her, Mahal. Not again."
       It was another week until Carolina opened her eyes.
       What the **** I meant for Carolina to have a speaking part, this
       was supposed to be happy, how did this happen why is there angst