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       #Post#: 18279--------------------------------------------------
       The Journal of Ciel Monet
       By: Tagoniki Date: January 12, 2016, 10:38 am
       This is the journal of Ciel Monet. The date is the 17th of Last
       Seed, year 4E 201
       I can't believe that I am alive, the bandits came and... they
       killed everyone. I was knocked unconscious in the turmoil and
       they must of thought me dead or else I really would be. They
       stole my robes and I woke up cold and had to take clothes from
       one of my fellow travelers. I'm sorry Karl, but I don't want to
       die here, not like this. I have taken shelter in a nearby Dwemer
       structure, it appeared to be abandoned and it provides some
       shelter from the elements, it also held this journal and some
       charcoal. I think I'll wait here until the wind dies down and
       try to find the nearest town. In case I don't make it, I want to
       record my thoughts so that there is something left to remember
       me by. My name is Ciel Monet, a Breton native to High Rock and a
       wizard's apprentice. I left home after my teacher had made far
       too many advances on me, but due to his position, no one would
       believe me if I were to out him. I've always been more magically
       inclined than other Bretons, with some of my elven features
       being much more prominent than others, so I decided to head to
       Skyrim. I hear the College of Winterhold is the best place to
       learn magic in all of Tamriel. I joined a caravan that was
       moving into Skyrim and would take a carriage to Winterhold from
       Riften. The carriage ride was fairly uneventful until... the
       attack. Karl was on the carriage with me, on his way to visit
       his sister in Winterhold. I will deliver the news to her, if I
       make it. My fingers are numb now, I must stop for now.
       [center]This is the Skyrim Adventure Journal[/center]
       [center]I will be posting the events that happen with the
       character Ciel Monet as they happen in journal format. As per
       the votes, the character is a female Breton mage. The game takes
       place on the fictional planet of Nirn, Continent of Tamriel,
       Province of Skyrim. The province is currently in the middle of a
       civil war between the Empire and the rebel Stormcloaks. The
       Empire is currently under the thumb of the Aldmeri Dominion, a
       faction of Altmer (High Elves) who are pretty much
       [center]This is the map of Skyrim[/center]
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/DQULEHA.jpg[/center]
       [center]And this is the character
 (HTM) http://i.imgur.com/RoH4ptd.jpg[/center]
       #Post#: 18296--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Journal of Ciel Monet
       By: Tagoniki Date: January 12, 2016, 5:44 pm
       17th of Last Seed
       Today was long, eventful, and tiring. I have tossed the old book
       that I had written in previously to in favor of the new journal
       I found in my current quarters. Anyways, I guess I'll start
       talking about my day. After I gathered my bearings in the old
       Dwemer building I headed south, as to the north was the sea. On
       my way I found another Dwarven ruin that I was informed goes by
       the name of Bthardmaz. It appeared that no one was around, but I
       dared not enter as I've heard the stories of steam powered
       automatons. Further south I happened upon a Standing Stone, of
       which there are thirteen in Skyrim, inscribed with the mark of
       one of the celestial signs that one can be born under and given
       a boon. I examined it in curiosity, and upon touching it, I felt
       a connection, though lasted only for seconds, felt like hours.
       In the opening in the center a ball of light started to shine,
       then unleashing a beam to the heavens. Odd thing these stones.
       Continuing on my path, I saw a guard. 'Salvation!'I thought. I
       ran to him, and I think I startled him for he drew his sword. I
       think my bloody and tear stricken face showed that I was no true
       threat and I explained all that had happened to me. As we walked
       idle conversation was made. One of the things he mentioned was
       that the College mages were investigating an old Nordic ruin,
       Saarthal. The derisive way he talked about them seemed odd, but
       perhaps he had a bad experience with a mage or two, still rude.
       The rest of the walk was quiet. Upon delivering me to the gates
       the guard had turned back to his patrols. 'At last, safety,'
       were my first thoughts.
       Upon stepping into the city, I took notice of what I saw, a
       general store to the right, an in to the left, a stream cutting
       through the center. In my observations I noticed a man draw his
       knife and start to approach a woman, on instinct and from the
       fear of my recent encounter, I cast flames upon him causing him
       to turn on me. I ran and it wasn't long before the city guard
       intervened, killing the man with an arrows. As he died he
       muttered "I die for my people." Who are his people? I asked many
       of the people who witnessed the attack and they all mentioned
       the Forsworn, but none of them knew why they attacked Margret. A
       man handed me a note, saying that I had dropped it. I didn't
       feel the need to question it as he obviously wanted it to seem
       like it wasn't something shady. I stole away and read the note,
       which stated simply, "Meet me at the Shrine of Talos." I don't
       know if I should go or not, I think I'll give myself a day or
       two to think on it.
       To shake of the surreal experience I walked around town,
       learning the lay of the land, the local apothecary even paid me
       to deliver a potion the the Jarl's steward, giving me gold
       enough to pay for room and board at the inn for a day or too.
       While I was at the castle, I decided to visit the court wizard.
       Rude fellow he was, but he appeared to know what he was doing,
       in charge of the excavation of another Dwemer ruin that lied
       under the city, Nchuand-Zel. He told me that excavation had
       stopped because of a Frostbite Spider whom the workers have
       taken to calling Nimhe, dwarven for "poisoned one." He offered
       me free access to both the excavation, and his Dwemer Museum if
       I were to take care of Nimhe. I agreed as I could use the coin
       and have always been curious on the Dwemer and why they had
       But now I am tired, and I must rest.
       #Post#: 18381--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Journal of Ciel Monet
       By: Tagoniki Date: January 13, 2016, 11:32 am
       18th of Last Seed
       My back still hurts a bit from the beds at the inn. Stone! Why
       would an inn have stone beds! I don't care if this city is
       leftover from the dwarves, they could have gotten proper beds!
       Anyways, about the rest of my day... After I had my breakfast at
       the Silver-Blood inn I headed back to Understone Keep to kill
       the spider Nimhe. I headed in after Calcelmo gave me the key I
       headed into the excavation site. At first glance it didn't look
       like they got very far into the excavation before coming across
       the spider. I killed a few spiders and went further, just in
       case they weren't Nimhe. The end of the tunnel appeared to have
       been covered in spider webs. After investigating the area I
       heard something hit the ground hard, turning around, it appeared
       that a spider, not a Frostbite Spider, had... Fallen from the
       ceiling, hurting it immensely. It wasn't too much more of a task
       to finish it off, damn things don't like fire after all. Heading
       back out I reported to the court wizard and he thanked me,
       giving me the key to the Dwemer Museum. The displays were
       interesting, consisting of various Dwemer Automatons, books, and
       even some Falmer artifacts.
       I saw Eltrys, the man who gave me the note yesterday, in the
       market and I told him that I would meet him in a couple hours at
       the Shrine of Talos. Upon meeting he told me that his father had
       died in a similar matter, so many years ago. He tried
       investigating but has since gotten married and has a child on
       the way and is afraid to become a target. I offered to help, but
       I refuse to do anything more than ask questions. I don't want to
       be murdered either! Going around town it seemed like the attacks
       might have something to do with Thonar Silver-Blood, a local
       noble who seems to have his golden claws set deep within
       Markarth. After being threatened by the town guard for asking
       questions, I decided that it would be best for me if I left
       I'm writing this on a carriage heading towards Winterhold at the
       moment. The winds are picking up so I must stop writing so I can
       huddle for warmth.
       #Post#: 18460--------------------------------------------------
       Re: The Journal of Ciel Monet
       By: Tagoniki Date: January 14, 2016, 4:19 pm
       20th of Last Seed
       Just had my first class at the College of Winterhold. I arrived
       in town last night, I was tired so I had an early dinner and
       paid for my room, planning to enroll this morning. They had
       someone standing at the bridge leading to the campus, Faralda
       the Destruction instructor. There is an entrance test now, to
       keep out the Nords who have come to hate the college I imagine.
       The test was simple, they taught me to cast Healing Hands and
       had me heal a cut she gave herself. Upon passing the test she
       told me to go see Master Wizard Mirabelle Irvine and that I
       would be instructed from there. I saw Ervine having an argument
       with someone who was quite obviously spying for the Thalmor,
       under the guise of being an advisor, and afterwards gave me a
       tour, showed me my quarters and told me to head to the Hall of
       the Elements for a lecture from Tolfdir.
       My fellow classmates seem... exuberant. They are enthusiastic
       about learning and during the lesson, badgered Tolfdir to teach
       them something spectacular while he was lecturing on safety. It
       might have been my recent brush with death, but I agreed more
       with our instructor that we should focus on safety. He decided
       to move into a practical lesson, but kept with his theme of
       safety, and taught me a ward. It was quite exhilarating
       actually, the ward complete protected me from the Firebolt he
       threw at me. At the end of the lecture, Tolfdir informed us that
       we were going to take a trip to the ruins of Saarthal that I
       heard about back in Markarth. The hour is late and I must rest.