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       #Post#: 39494--------------------------------------------------
       Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Grod Date: July 28, 2017, 3:58 pm
       Azula was fiddling away at her bangs while cooped up in her room
       on her battleship, waiting for her idiot friends to return to
       #Post#: 39495--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Leguna Date: July 28, 2017, 4:00 pm
       Mai and Lee had returned,the former saying,"hey Azula".
       #Post#: 39497--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Grod Date: July 28, 2017, 4:02 pm
       "Don't hey me!" Azula snapped at her, "I sent you on a simple
       recon mission, why did it take you all day to get back?"
       #Post#: 39499--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Leguna Date: July 28, 2017, 4:03 pm
       "it well lee kinda got distracted and I had to go find her-",mai
       "hey don't throw me under the battleship!",Lee whined.
       #Post#: 39500--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Grod Date: July 28, 2017, 4:05 pm
       "Oh really?" Azula said getting angry and standing up, "Okay you
       lazy morons, since you can't focus or get your shit together why
       don't you bend over that table both of you!"
       #Post#: 39501--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Leguna Date: July 28, 2017, 4:06 pm
       "w-what!",both of them said in unison.
       Mai spoke up,"A-azula.......it's Lee's fault"!
       lee frowned,"N-no it's not,stop blaming me"!
       "I told you not to wander off",Mai saidturning on lee.
       "W-well you should've held me back",she said,turning on her as
       #Post#: 39504--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Grod Date: July 28, 2017, 4:08 pm
       "I don't give a fuck whose fault it is." Azula said loosing her
       patience and reaching behind her throne picking up a riding
       crop, "Now when I say bend over that table, I mean now!"
       Azula shot a fire ball at their feet, not burning them just
       scaring them to make her point.
       #Post#: 39505--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Leguna Date: July 28, 2017, 4:10 pm
       they eeked as both of them sweatdroopped.
       "A-azula please not the riding crop,your hand hurts enough",Mai
       said,hoding her behind.
       "Y-yeah your hand hurts ALOT...and...spank's Mai ass cause she
       has the fattest one in this room!"<Lee blurted out,trying to get
       out of trouble.
       #Post#: 39506--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Grod Date: July 28, 2017, 4:17 pm
       Having had enough of the two, Azula walked over and grabbed Mai
       and Ty Lee by the back of their head and turned them around,
       slamming the two onto the table.
       "I was going to be merciful, but you`ve angered me now." Azula
       said patting the crop in her hand, "Ty Lee take off your pants,
       Mai lift up your dress."
       #Post#: 39508--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book1: Red butts.
       By: Leguna Date: July 28, 2017, 4:19 pm
       Lee whimpered and did as told,while Mai did the same
       thing...both girls,begging Azula to use her hand...which may
       bite them back in the ass..or bunr them in the ass really
       since..their asses weren't fire-proof really.
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