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       #Post#: 39543--------------------------------------------------
       Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Stinger Date: July 29, 2017, 5:18 pm
       Zuko was standing at the bow of the ship taking himself and his
       allies back to the fire nation. He was lost in his thoughts,
       wondering how much he had changed, how much his country had
       changed and if his father would even care about him.
       #Post#: 39545--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Leguna Date: July 29, 2017, 7:36 pm
       Suddenly someone lut their arms around Zukos shoudlers from
       behind,it was Mai...who kissed him and nuzzled against
       #Post#: 39548--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Stinger Date: July 29, 2017, 7:41 pm
       Zuko grunted in response to the affection, "Hey Mai, why are you
       out here so late?"
       #Post#: 39550--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Leguna Date: July 29, 2017, 7:49 pm
       "To see you,why else?",she asked,smiling.
       #Post#: 39551--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Stinger Date: July 29, 2017, 7:55 pm
       "Its cold out here you should go back inside." Zuko insisted,
       turning to face her.
       #Post#: 39552--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Leguna Date: July 29, 2017, 7:56 pm
       "Awww why Zuko?",she asked,teasingly,still clinging to him.
       #Post#: 39554--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Stinger Date: July 29, 2017, 7:58 pm
       "Because I`m the prince and if you don't obey the prince you get
       a spanked bottom." Zuko said patting her butt.
       #Post#: 39556--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Leguna Date: July 29, 2017, 7:59 pm
       "Scary Zuko",sge said rolling her eyes.
       #Post#: 39558--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Stinger Date: July 29, 2017, 8:03 pm
       "Oh you want to go there?" Zuko said sternly pulling on her ear,
       "Bend over the railing you little brat."
       He began rubbing her buns with his free hand.
       #Post#: 39560--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Avatar the last Spankbender: Book 2: Bruised butts!
       By: Leguna Date: July 29, 2017, 8:06 pm
       "I prefer hands om my knee in your bedroom",Mai said
       sarcadticaly,letting him touch her ass.
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